Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How To Raise Up more Leaders

Fely and I attended the Quarterly Wealth Circle (Bo Sanchez Truly Rich Club- Platinum) conference at the Heritage Hotel last Saturday (July 20, 2013) and the topic was about : Build a Coaching Culture in Your Organization. It is really so fitting to our series that I decided to include this in our sharing this month on how to stay energized and create our Dream Team.

Bro Bo Sanchez said that "the formula is really simple: The more leaders you have, the more your business will grow. The reason why many businesses aren't expanding is because Entrepreneurs don't raise up enough leaders."

We need to Train, Mentor, and Coach our team to raise up more leaders. How do we Train, Mentor, and Coach?

Studies show that Training can increase productivity of individuals up to 22%. But,Coaching can increase productivity by as much as 80%. In IMG we do Training, Mentoring and Coaching-TMC to build leaders and Build our Dream Teams. 

I believe that the best coach/trainer/mentor is someone who actually has achieved what he wants other people to do or achieve. TMC is either done on one on one or with a Team. In Boxing it is best done one on one, in Basketball it is done with a Team. 

In IMG it is done both ways. In IMG we learn as a team, we build as a team for we believe we can do something individually but we can do more as a team. We believe that even if you are good individually, you can win big time in IMG if you build a Dream Team. "No matter how good one individual is, it takes a team to win a championship." Thus we do need to know how to train, mentor and coach on individual or team basis.We are big in this business for we were able to TMC Leaders. We know the SECRET of a successful one on one and team TMC. Do you want to know? Ask me HOW?

IMG created a system of Duplication where training , mentoring and coaching is a natural process. The Weekly Meetings, Wealth Academy Series, TRM Business Meeting, BPMs, and the Conventions are the opportunities we have to be trained and coached and mentored. So that is all we need to do to build leaders. Just encourage our team to attend these events. It is so simple yet many fail to do it. Our role is to simply encourage our team by leading them by example though attending the events ourselves and continue to learn with the team.

TMC = Events! That is our SECRET to building and energizing a Team. We went through all the events regularly and consistently and get ourselves TMC.  Then we encourage our team mates to go though the events too. That is how simple it is. And then, we did something extra: We attended more training outside IMG, wrote books, we appeared on TV and traveled the world.

You can do it too! Our System has already this built in TMC that all we do is ride the system, and lead our team by example.

God bless us all!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

5 Things We Never Have To Do To Build Our Dream Team!

Before Hillsong Conference... Sydney Bridge...

It is 5 Days since we just came back from a 5 Day Hillsong Conference in Sydney Australia. We had a spiritually energizing. It was a back to back event with our IMG Annual Convention at SMX which happened June 23-24, 2013. And it was capped upon our return with a brand new series in PICC Feast entitled "Full Tank".

Bro Bo's PICC Feast for July...

On the way back to the Philippines, Bro Bo Sanchez was on the same plane as ours and so we had a wonderful chance to have tea time with him at the Sydney International Airport. "Boy, the tea I ordered really taste great!" Why? Because it is free courtesy of Bro Bo! Fely was on his left and I was on his right side of the coffee table. We were in the busy airport coffee shop but I can hear every word Bro Bo say. My heart really pumped up when he said " I  really love IMG Business. Because it is not all about money but it is about helping people." Wow! What could be more inspiring and energizing than to hear that from him.

Bro Bo Sanchez exhorting IMG Members to build Big Teams...

And then I recall his message to us during the Annual IMG Convention of Champions to continue to build a "Dream Team". Inspiration after inspiration I really am so fully charged. 

Let me back up a little to the Hillsong Conference we attended July 1-5, 2013. When we sat at the Allphones Arena in Sydney for the Hillsong Conference from the first day to the fifth day, the praise and worship which start at 9:30 AM and end at about 8:30 PM leaves us fully energized. We still have much energy that we wake up in the early cold weather the following day. It is so good to sleep when it is cold, but our energy is so high we have to jump up the bed and go back to the Allphones Arena for a fresh day of praise and worship!

It was truly a Spirit filled and led worship! Let me share what inspiration I got in this Conference : These are the 5 things we never have to do to be able to build our Dream Team. I took the four things from Pastor Rick Warren's message and added another one:

1. Never Stop Learning...
2. Never Compare Yourself with Others...
3. Never Doubt the Goodness of the Lord
4. Never Quit
5. Never Build Without Values (My Addition)

Learning as a Big Truly Rich Makers Team

Here it goes... I would like to share to you my Key Learning and added at the bottom an excerpt of other people's realization of these 5 things we NEVER HAVE TO DO to Build a BIG TEAM:

1. Never Stop Learning as a Team!

Learning is a never ending journey. If we stop in our journey we never get to our destination... if we stop learning we will decay, we will perish. 

How do we learn? Yes we can learn if we read books and do research. But, I believe that we gain more wisdom if we learn as a group...Learn as a Team. When people with similar purpose and goals gather to learn there is energy, and there is real miracle that happens in it. God said that when two or three are gathered in His Name He shall be there. That is what we feel in every Sunday mass. We listen and learn the word of God together as a community. Miracle happens. Inspiration pour down on us.

Much the same way in our 9AM Club (Leaders Call) , TRM Meeting, Training and Conventions. We gather together and study our Business System from meeting to meetings, and event to events. We attend the Convention to learn from the Master Builders. And when we learn together with our Team, we are energized as a Team and our Team becomes a Dream Team! 

"As much as we think we know it all, there is always more to learn. But we can only learn as much as we want to learn. We could be surrounded by the smartest people in the world, but if our mind and heart aren't open to growing and maturing, then we can't improve. Having a teachable heart allows us to serve others and give respect to those who have gone before us. When someone older and wiser extends advice and suggestions to you, how do you respond? If you find yourself stiffening at advice, take a moment to encourage growing a teachable heart in you. ROEL RELLEVE

2. Never Compare Yourself With Others with Envy but for Inspiration

Part of being unhappy is caused by envy. Envy on the other-hand is caused by comparing ourselves with someone who has more than what we have.

I meet people who have more friends, who have more properties, who have higher income, bigger house, and bigger business. I also meet people who seems to struggle in their family life, their relationships, their daily subsistence, and in their health. Some are outright poor they do not know where to get their food for the day. Some other friends have business that keeps failing. 

Comparing with any of them does not give me happiness. Appreciating what is positive that I find in the situation of their lives is what gives me happiness. Being happy with the blessings people who have more in life makes me happy and I pray that they may continue to succeed. Being compassionate and looking at the efforts of those who have less in life is what makes me happy. I pray that they also overcome their struggles.

In IMG, we started with a very small team. Our team has two active members: Fely and me We looked at other teams and we were dwarfed by their size. We are awed by how fast they became MD and how fast they build their big teams. Yes we compared ourselves but we look at it at the positive view that it inspired us to be more serious in our efforts in building our team. 

We compare to set benchmarks to define the "what and how" of improving where we are. We compare so we would know how far are we from our own destination. We are so happy for what we have accomplished. So inspired by people who is ahead of us, and is driven to encourage people we would like to bring along in our journey. We compare for inspiration to be better! 

Each day, we appreciated the growth that we see in our team from meeting to meetings, from convention to convention. We see that our Team has grown bigger! We are even bigger than most of the teams that inspired us and still inspire us to this date to be big. We pray for the other teams to grow big as well. We continually compare not for envy but for inspiration.

"This week I learned to never compare myself with others. Sure, they may have a lot of things or blessings that I don't have but I realized that I also have other things and more blessings that they don't have. Whoever I am and whatever I have are all part of God's purpose and plan for me. From now on, I'm deleting the word ENVY from my personal vocabulary. Sana kayo din. Have a great weekend!" FRANCE ARRIOLA

3. Never Doubt the Goodness of the Lord

God is good all the time...and all the time God is good! We can never outdo the Lord in His generosity and goodness. He love us so much that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes will have eternal life. He loves us not because we are good but because it is the nature of God to be good!

In building our Dream Team we need to stay positive and believe in the goodness of what we do. Our business change people's lives and brings blessings to many families and generation to generations. So when we get out to the field to spread the mission, we should never doubt the goodness of the Lord. Never doubt that he will bless your works and your intentions.

Be strong and courageous! Do not fear or tremble before them, for the Lord your God is the one who is going with you. He will not fail you or abandon you!" -Deuteronomy 31:6 shared by RAMIL PADILLA

4. Never Quit

Never never never never never QUIT! Quitters never win and WINNERS never quit!

We all know that maxim and we practice it. Those who are not present in the meeting as we are sharing these learning is another case... I hope they have not quit (ha ha ha...).

In any endeavor, the easiest thing to do is to quit when faced with obstruction and difficulties. Many people who have been rejected, encountered a problem, or did not understand the system quit. Not realizing that they are just one small step to their success.

In IMG, a lot of people quit for one reason or another. Reasons like, I have no time, I have no "yaya" (nanny), I have no work, I have no money, I do not have prospects, my spouse don't like IMG, I am only a student, I am already retired...and many thousand excuses to justify quitting. I also had my reasons at the start of our IMG career. I am an engineer and "hindi bagay" (it is not for me) that I do IMG. I have big needs and the income we can get is so small at the start of our career. But did we quit? Obviously we did not quit and we won big time. We became even better than when we were employed in many aspects including financially, emotionally, "relationally" (if there is such a word for family  and spouse relationships), and spiritually.

Here is the Story of a Chef With NO HANDS. At 12, she lost both hands, cut by four criminals who left her for dead ! But she survived. In 2008, she finished Hotel & Restaurant Management. She won Gold Medal in Arts & Crafts.  She studied in Tahanan na Walang Hagdan. Was adjudged as the most industrious, best in computer, and most courteous in the School for Crippled Children. This lady is a winner--through and through. Her name? Maricel Apatan. If in spite of her lost hands she persevered and did not allow the tragedy to destroy her life, how about us? Never give up friends. Never, ever give up! As Shared by EDGAR BAHALLA

5. Never Build Without Values

Values are like compass that points us to our true North! When we build our house, it is important that we know where the sun will rise and set. It is the same with building our Team. We need to have sets of values to build a Dream Team.

I have been with IMG for 12 years and seen many ahead of us and many more after us that joined and build with so much passion and grounded on values. Foremost of them is Sir Joen Delas Penas whose heart is really to help people make their money grow. He is a man who value service and demonstrate it.

When we went to the US I saw and felt the real meaning of "servant leadership". Sir Joen is our president yet he served as our driver, our tour guide, our photographer, our errand boy. He bought for us our water to drink, our food to eat, our tickets for the Disneyland, Universal Studios and more. He served us. He is a Servant Leader "par excellance". This is why he is so BIG in IMG!

So if you want to build a Dream Team, built it with Values, the Truly Rich Makers Values : FIRST- Faith, Integrity, Relationships, Service, and Teamwork.

God bless us all in our IMG Mission,
Benj and Fely Santiago
TRM Servant Leader

PS: I would be happy to see that this is circulated in your emails, FB page, and other media sites for circulation to your family and friends.


Re Post from Robert Kiyosaki...on Biggest Financial Scam

Don't Fall for the Financial Scams Disguised as Wisdom! 
Get Your Own Financial Education and Take Control
Start with a Free Introduction to Coaching – and Get our Special Report Free!
Dear Richbenj,
You may have heard the saying that effort = results, and that by simply working harder your results will be greater. In today's financial world, that's not exactly the truth, in fact it's a financial scam. If you're an employee, working harder will give you more money, but you will also be taxed more for it. At the same time, the person who owns the company is profiting and probably paying much less in taxes than you are. Also, your money is worth less every day due to inflation, thus your pay has to increase just to maintain your standard of living. It's time to stop chasing money with your hard work!

Rather than working hard for money, you should be working smart by havingmoney work hard for you. That is what the rich do. Because they have a financial education the system will always favor the rich. Work becomes more like a game that they love to play. It's challenging. It's fun. It's rewarding. If that sounds attractive to you, the first step to get there is learning how to work smart and get the financial education you need to succeed. Get there faster with someone who understands how to do it, like a Rich Dad Coach.
Armed with coaching programs designed to change how you think about money, how to start and manage your own business, and how to invest and develop cash flow with real estate – a Rich Dad Coach can help you turn the work of your financial future into a fun and vastly rewarding experience.

Free Special Report – When you schedule your free introduction to Rich Dad Coaching, you will receive our new special report, 8 Financial Scams Disguised as Wisdom. Get your free download today!
Stop working hard for others and start working smart for yourself. Get a free introduction to Rich Dad Coaching today!

We wish you continued success,
Rich Dad World Member Services
P.S. Working harder is just one of the 8 scams that will be revealed to you in our special report. Schedule your free introduction to coaching today, and you'll also get your own copy of 8 Financial Scams Disguised as Wisdom.

"To obtain financial freedom, one must be either a business owner, an investor, or both, generating passive income, particularly on a monthly basis."
– Robert Kiyosaki

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

TRM Events July 2013

Energized To Win!...

I. The Source of Energy!

Bro Bo Sanchez at IMG Annual Convention 2013.. Build Dream Teams
July is the first month of the second half of the year! Coming off from a Super Spectacular Annual Convention of IMG Champions made me fully charged, and energized to double the wins of the first half of the year! I am sure all those who attended the convention feel the same way too! Is that right?

We are geared up for a 5:5 Drive! Bro Bo emphasized his admiration for the IMG Company of what is is doing in people's lives. He exhorts us to build our "Dream Team"

There is so much to be thankful for in this company where we have extended families beyond our own. We also came out of this so blessed with so much recognition and awards. "Di ako napagod akong kaaakyat ng stage" ( Did not get tired going up the stage) to receive the awards and accolades. The biggest energy booster I believe  is up there! 

Benj and Fely Santiago att the Hillsong Conference in Sydney Australia

Fely and I also just came back from a fantastic Hillsong Conference in Sydney Australia! The back to back effect of the Annual IMG Convention and this Conference filled us up to the brim with tremendous blessings! We are energized to the max. We were with MD soon SMD Fe Tolentino and 33 other people including Bro Bo Sanchez and hi team of preachers.

We came back from Sydney in a plane together with Bro Bo Sanchez. AT the airport before we checked in, we had coffee. And guess who paid for it? Syempre si Bro Bo who is the richest among us both materially and spiritually. Boy, the tea (chai latte) taste great! "Kasi libre" (Because it is free). We had intimate chat with Bro Bo and that actually made the big difference. Bo Sanchez said to us, " I love IMG business. IMG is a business that is not all about money. It is about helping people". What can be more tastier and energizing than that!

Fe Tolentino, Fely and Benj Santiago at Hillsong 2013 Sydney Austalia

Last Sunday, we attended the Feast that brings a brand new topic called "Full Tank" if you run a car on Gasoline. Another version is "Fully Charged" if you have an eCar. With these happening in a two weeks span, TRM also opens this July a brand new topic in or TRM Team Meeting called " Energized To Win!".

Bro Bo Sanchez Feast PICC...Full Tank

Benj, Sir Joen Delas Penas, Rocky Santiago at IMG Convention Gala Night

But in all of these series of events we been through, I see the real source of the energy is not the event, not the thunderous applause, and praising. It is not in the glamour and glitter of it all. Yes, these things make us feel great. But, it is in the word that we hear, for the words are where we find inspiration It is in the word that we find the ultimate source of our energy. It is where we find God!

CEO Moment of Malvin and Matin Leano
Mutual Fund Updates by Rex Mendoza..It is still fun to invest..
Champions from Truly Rich Makers Team

II. What's New With TRM

My Credential... I can help you achieve this too

We have a brand new office. We moved to a higher plane! From the 3rd floor we rose to the 9th floor! To a better and bigger space. From one office room we now have 3 rooms. We are really exploding and expanding!

We have a brand new 9 AM Club format too! July is the start of our Monday to Thursday 9 AM Club on the new format. We are having the 31 Declarations of Success and Prosperity by Joel Osteen. The next 31 9 AM Club Meetings are surely going to be fully energized!

See you every Thursday TRM Meeting for our sharing of the learning we had in the Hillsong Conference that will surely change your life! 

III. GUESTS Testimonies- By Monic Adriano

MD Monic Adriano in Macau

I always believe in the saying that "When God closes the door, He will open a lot of windows for you." And that was exactly that had happened to me two years ago.

I am a mother of three wonderful daughters and a wife to an I.T. Manager. By profession, i am a Counter Supervisor in a prestigious airline company Philippine Airlines. I love my work at the airport. I enjoy giving the best service to our passengers. For 15 years, my family and I have enjoyed the medical benefits and the perks of travel given by PAL. I even told myself that I would love to retire with PAL and reach the age 65 doing what I love to do best... and that is giving my outmost service to my beloved company and to our dearest customers.

It was in Sept 27, 2011, I suddenly woke up and realized that the company was really serious about outsourcing. My heart broke into pieces knowing that the company, even though how loyal and passionate I was in doing my job, can no longer fight for me. They have to cut cost in order for the company to survive. 

MD Monic bigger than Mayon..

At an early age 37, i got retired from my job. For three months, I was thinking of how can I survive from this ordeal. I have lots of responsibilities, parents to support (during that time I am still supporting my dad's medical expenses), I have so many bills to pay, i have 3 credit cards all maxed-out. I was such a big spender. Shopping was my therapy whenever I am depressed. I spent more that I earn. I only live from pay check to pay check... I do not want to depend on my husband's income that time. I was not used to that. His income, though big, is just enough to pay for our basic living expenses (food, kids education, mortgages,etc). We do have savings but we reserve that as our emergency fund. (In case, somebody gets sick, coz we do not have any healthcare protection) I felt so insecure. And all I did was to pray harder and ask for God's grace, mercy and forgiveness. (For I am such a spender with a big lifestyle = a liability) I am totally illiterate in handling our finances.

It was in Dec 2011, when I had the time to open my facebook account. I came across the FB page of Brother Bo Sanchez (coz I am a BIG fan of him). It was posted that there is a FREE Financial Coaching in Cavite. I got interested because i knew deep in my heart that I needed help. I get in touched with Kuya Benj & Fely Santiago (who is now my greatest Financial & Spiritual Mentors). I missed the said training but I have to re-scheduled it the next day. This time it was a one-on-one presentation with Kuya Benjie Santiago in Makati.

He presented me about IMG business. I have learned about the concepts of managing our finances, getting out of debts and how to make money work for you in a safe and right way thru the 3 levels of investments. I even remembered Kuya Benj said "The first thing you do right now is you need to liquidate all the NON-PERFORMING ASSETS that you have." After hearing all these, I said to myself, this is exactly what I need. "Thank you Lord for answering my prayers!" IMG can guide me to these path, from SPENDER-to SAVER-to ENTREPRENEUR & INVESTOR.

MD Monic..bili na po kayo...

I joined IMG that same day. (Dec2011) I am now a broker of BIG companies affiliated with IMG. I also made a decision that I wanted to learn more from these great financial mentors (Sir Joen Delas Penas, Sir Noel Arandilla, CEO/MD Malvin & Matin Leano). I attended all the series of trainings, many times, because different trainers has different styles on how to impart the message. I do field trainings. I observed those Marketing Directors on how they conducted their seminars. I got so inspired on the IMG Mission of helping other people achieve financial security.

After a month with IMG, I joined the Taiwan Convention (Jan2012). After that, my vision with IMG become so BIG that I dreamed of becoming an achiever. With the support of my teammates whom I considered now my second family, I became a Marketing Director in less than 90 days. (Breaking the record at that time). And I have never missed the convention since then. (SMX last June 2012, Macau Convention last Oct 2012, Singapore Convention last Feb2013, SMX last June2013 and I have already booked for Bangkok Convention on Oct2013.)

In doing this IMG Mission, it is not at all smooth sailing. I have encountered a lot of trials, rejections and challenges. I even remembered tagging along my daughters with me in my business presentations because I have no house help. Even my relatives and closest friends turned away from me because they thought that this business is not for them. I have almost given up. But because my DREAMS for myself and for my family is much way bigger than those obstacles at hand, it just gives me the passion to move on and keep it going. With much optimism and faith in God, I am doing this IMG Mission full time.

I am now on my journey towards financial security because i have started putting my finances in the right perspectives. I made sure that me and my family is fully protected thru healthcare and term life insurances. I have diversified our money thru Mutual Funds. Thanks to all my financial mentors who keeps on guiding me on how to invest the safe and right way.

Little did I know that i would travel much more here in IMG, because I have the now the freedom and the time to do this mission. I have already shared this to our Filipino brothers & sisters in Pampanga, Bulacan (where we built the TRM Bulacan ofc), Iloilo, Bacolod, Legaspi & Naga and in Hongkong, Macau. Singapore, and lately in Japan. In other words, I could really make it big in this business. It is an international business with just a little capital to start with.

IMG has brought my dignity back from being unemployed I found my purpose. From having the usual employee mindset to becoming an entrepreneur/investor and a Financial Educator (with the heart of a missionary of sharing financial literacy all over the world). IMG has changed my life, from an ordinary person to an extra-ordinary person whose presence matters most to the families/OFWs I have met on my journey as I teach/guide them on how to get out of poverty.

I never imagined myself that I would conduct seminars in big companies, schools and even in our Philippine Embassies abroad. Doctors, accountants, teachers and even our Philippine Consuls abroad asked me for financial advice. All these happened because of IMG.

MD Monic in Japan

IMG is a very generous company who gives me hope that I could retire financially free, who compensates me well for all my efforts and inspires me to become successful and most of all it gave me a lifetime business that helps people achieve the same. It is really true, that with IMG, my dreams can come true. I will never be successful if i will not be able to help more families achieve financial security too. This is what IMG has taught me... I need to prosper myself so that I could prosper others. In that way, i will make my life more significant to others and to God as well. I am proud to be a crusader of financial literacy.

IV. Feedback
This section is for your questions and suggestions. I want you to eMail me at and I would surely respond and post it here.... if it merits posting (of course it is... Right?)

Be the first to put your comments on your field experience or questions that arise from your base-shop meetings.

Keep them coming... Be part of our eNewsLetter by contributing your questions, sharing and stories....

V. What are The Exciting Events Coming!

5:5 for Thailand Convention in October 13...

October 3 is our Next Convention and it will be (drum roll please....trumpets...dyandya ran...) Bangkok Thailand! Excited to be there. And to get there let us go for 5:5 up to July 24 for a 10K Bonus. So excited for this 5:5... Look ...even Bro Bo and Dean Pax say 5:5 (Borrowed Picture from Dean Pax Negosyo Mentor).... And we must tack them down...

Tracking Worksheet to ensure success...

Vietnam Executive Leadership Trip to Vietnam had been moved to November to catch a better climate condition in Halong Bay. At least 6 TRM are qualified to go there. And the great news is that the 60:60  Promo had been extended to October! How do we qualify?Just  qualify as SMD then you not only get promoted to SMD but you also qualify for this free trip in Vietnam all expense paid. Now, if you are already an SMD or higher (EMD, CEO, FVC, EVC) then all you need is to get through your MD (Directs) 60:60:90 and you qualify for this Vietnam Trip! If you want your spouse to be with you, do the 120:120:90 days run... ! So excited on this 4-day Holiday Trip to Vietnam! You still have your chance. Go for it! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Building Builders Mindset: From Event to Event

I had a wonderful and exciting adventure getting into the World famous PPUR- Puerto Princesa Underground River! To get there, it is about an hour bus ride from our hotel and then another hour by speed boat to get to the mouth of the PPUR. We got in a smaller 9-seater "banca" to get into the cave. 

I sat at the front of the boat to hold the torch light or a car battery powered flash light. I saw that PPUR is a cave that is below sea level. As we go deeper into the cave (it is several kilometers long) the boatman told me to follow his instruction. Inside the dark cave I  pointed the light to the left or the right or top middle, etc. I saw the wonder of the beautiful rock formations inside that dark cave. The boat man precisely know the location of each of the formation. I specially love the image of Christ face! There are many many more formations that made me wonder how beautiful nature's creations are. They are masterpieces to behold.

This experience would not be possible without the expert guidance of our boat man "cum" tour guide. He showed us how to get into that dark cave. I wouldn't dare go into to that cave alone. It would be a horrifying experience and would not be able to see the wonders that is inside.

This same experience is what I had going into this IMG Business. The PPUR is IMG. The Expert Boatmen are Bro Bo Sanchez, Sir Joen Delas Penas, Sr Noel Arandilla, Mam Shirley San Miguel and all those who went in IMG ahead of us. The wonders inside are the Business Income and Benefits of doing the business. Each segment into the cave is our Training. Training we get from each meeting and event we go into. These are systematized so that we can go through it and enjoy it... however, each of us who gets into the business experience different levels of success even if we attend the same meetings and events. Why?

Fely and I  saw the importance of the Meeting Flow.  We attend the meeting regularly and we moved up from event to event. "We stayed in the boat as it goes further into the cave"...

But we also saw some of our contemporaries fail. But, it is not the new recruits mistake. It is the trainers short coming in not bringing the new recruit to the field, to the meetings and to the big events.  

Fely and I are successful in the business for we are able to move people from even to event. In the first year of our IMG business, only the two of us attend the meeting and the convention. This coming convention we will have more than 200 attendees from our team after being in this business for 5 1/2 years.

We go to field training or BMP at least 5X a week, and BMP or office meeting 2x per week (Thu and Sat) or (Tue and Sat), and big event of Convention at least once per quarter to build our minds.

In the 9AM Club we review daily our prospect list and our BMP/BPM Activities.

And through these events and meetings, the belief on the Business, System, Teamwork and Winning is achieved.

When I attended the meetings and hear the accomplishments of those who were ahead of me, It strengthen my belief in the IMG Business. Eventually I made a big Team that has Team Work and proud to be Winning Champions.

Each meeting or event has a Purpose. The BMP at home is to build relationship with the family, the spouse specially.

The other purpose is to lead by example nd foster duplication in the field. It is also to create passion for the mission in helping people and selling the business.

The Big Event is for STRETCHING the VISION of the Team.

"Alone you cannot build people's minds. But big events can."

I attended the USA Convention and this totally blew my mind! My business goals increased to 7 figures/month from 6 figures which is already satisfactory in the past.

But we know that we  cannot change people. We did  not hallucinate that all these meetings and conventions will alter the way all the people think. We continued to simply show by example, and shared the changes that the events had done to us.


The Big Events creates an environment of change. The magic of the crowd sets in. When I went for the first time in the local convention, I saw different kinds of people in different fields so passionate about sharing the IMG Mission. This gave me the warm feeling that if they can do it I can do it too.

When we have our Convention out of the country, the team have the opportunity to travel abroad, but we also had a great time bonding and developed a closer relationship.

But we should not "be killed by the meetings". Too many meetings is not good! This is why our TRM Meetings are limited to twice a week. Twice a week 9AM Club, Team Meeting, and Office BPM. The daily activities are more of the prospecting, inviting and presenting. We got to make money in our business.

Therefore, the TRM Meetings we hold is still tied up on how our team can maximize their time in the business by spending 90% of the meeting time on how the new recruits can improve their prospecting, inviting and presenting.

The events are like the highlights success stories and experiences of our business leaders. It gives us excitement. More than that,.we also get inspired as well by the passion and dedication that our leaders exemplify.

Our PPUR experience seeing the grand and awesome figures curved by nature on the walls of the cave got us excited. But beyond the excitement, I also got inspired to be proud of our country and its beauty. I went in and out of that cave excited and inspired. The boatman provided the excellent guide and we were so happy we went through that experience. 

In IMG, we experienced the same and continually experience the excitement and inspiration to bring more people into the business. To guide and coach them to be successful. And there is no secret... we just have to go through the different events. We got to be present in the BPMs, BMPs, Team Meetings, and Big Events!

June 22-23 is a date we already booked for another exciting Annual Convention of Champions in SMX MOA! So excited to be there!!!