Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Why & How of eNewsletter and eSalesletter

January 24,2013

eNewsletter and eSalesletter

I. Why Do We Need eLetters?

Words are powerful

Salemanship is persuading a person to buy a product that is in their best interest

Communication is about one word: Trust

Because the messenger is the message

You write a sales letter then transform into a video

I believe therefore ... I have spoken 2 Cor 4:13

Believe in your product

Headaches is in the front end... Money is in the back end... T Harv Ecker

II. Seven (7) Steps To Prepare:

Step 1: See yourself as a salesperson not just a writer
Step 2. Write the way you talk. Write it the way kids would understand.
Step3. Learn to write looooong
Step 4. Learn to write with personality
Step 5. Read, read a, and read and keep on reading... About your customers/ products.
Step 6. Get into your customer.
Step 7. Create a giant swipe file.

Step 1: See yourself as a salesperson not just a writer. Change the way you look at yourself .

What makes a sales letter the best sales letter... The best is the one the brings the most sales

Step 2. Write the way you talk. Write it the way kids would understand.

Step3. Learn to write looooong.

The more you tell... The more you sell.

Those who are passionate in your subject will read long

Step 4. Learn to write with personality

Use a real person because a real person relates to a real person

A real person is lovable.

Even if we are writing to an organization or to a company, it is a person who will read it.

Share your hopes, dreams, pluff, share your story and secrets...

Step 5. Read, read a, and read and keep on reading... About your customers/ products.

Read sales letters. Sign up to sales letters

Option: read fiction so you learn how to make your sales letter a page turner. The excitement never stop so you read each page without stop

Step 6. Get into your customer.

Get into (A) Facts (B) Feelings

Facts: income, address, etc
Feelings: desires, beliefs, interest

Accutitis: you only talk to people like you

How to know your customer: live with your customer
Do survey
Read past sales letter

10 Most Common Desires
1. I want more
2. I want to save money
3. I want it quick
4. I want love
5. I want health
6. I want to be better
7. I want respect
8. I want pleasure
9. I want it easy
10. I want you take my side against the enemy

Step 7. Create a giant swipe file.
Don't try to be creative or original; just stick to what has been working for.

What headlines repeat
What media is used

Read Classic books:
Tested adv methods by john caples
Claude hopkins, victor schwab, gary halbert, joe karbo

III. Thirteen (13) Parts Of An Effective eLetter!

Part1: Hook them with a Headline
Part 2: Oooomph the Opening
Part 3: Present the ProblemPart1: Hook them with a Headline
Part4: Describe the Dream
Part 5: Boast YourBackground
Part 6: Break Down The Benefits
Part 7: Touch Them with Testimonials ( with pictures)
Part 8: Do The Deal
Part9: Grab them with a Gift.
Part10: Give a Guarantee
Part11. Up the Urgency
Part 12: Proceed with the Payment
Part 13: Put it into Media

Designing the killer hook that lures them in

Key1. Look for one human connection

Key2. Define your Unique selling proposition that will make you stand out above the rest...

Key3. It got to be outrageous

Key4. Make it achingly incomplete

Key5. Call their attention by calling their name. If you dont have their name, their description.

Key6. Spectacular benefit that jolts them


Headline 1. They didn't think I could blank but I did...

They laughed when I told them my healthcare program goes beyond the grave... Till One of them suddenly died

****"They laughed at me when I told them I could earn more as a retiree until I actually retired at age 52 and earned an outrageously bigger than what I earn as an executive in a company"

They laughed at me when I told them IMG business can be done by anyone until my friend Malvin a high school graduate....

They laughed when I told them my business can be for anyone until I introduced to them... Who is a senior citizen who had a stroke...

The y didn't think I could be an entrepreneur but I did

"They laughed at me when I told them I started up my International Business with less than 10,000Php until they found out I really earn Multi Million from It"

They laughed at me when I told them I ... Till i overtook my leaders and became number1!

Headline 2. Who else wants blank

Who else wants a holywood actress figure

Who else needs an extra hour everyday

Who else wants to be debt free

Who else wants to earn more than your boss

Who else wants to have a healthcare program even when you are rejected by other companies

Headline3. How blank made me blank

How a simple idea made me a manager of the year

How a foolish stunt made me a salesman

How a healthcare program made me an investor

How a healthcare product made me an entrepreneur

Headline4. Are you blank

Are you prepared for the next market crash

Are you ashamed of your old car conking out in the middle of the road

Are you prepared to get old?

Are you desperate to retire at 40

Are you ashamed to look 50 even if your only 35

"Are you desperately living from pay check to pay check?"

Headline5: How I blank

How i retired at age 40 with a guaranteed income

"How I turned my early retirement to a business opportunity"

How I turned from a spender to entrepreneur

"How I turned into a multi millionaire retiree at the age of 51"

Headline6: How to blank

How to win friends
How to be financially free
How to retire financially free
How to grow old with multi millions
How to have your own business with just 3700php
"How to be your own boss for only 3700php"

Headline7: Secrets of a blank

Secrets of 4 champion golfers

Secrets of being financially free
Secrets of being debt free
Secrets of being Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Holy
***"Secrets in creating a financially free and happy retirement"
Secrets of rearing super performing kids

Headline8: thousands ( or hundreds, or millions) of blank, even if they blank

138,000 of your profession receive a check from us every month even though they once threw this letter into the waste basket

Thousands of people transformed from just active income earners to passive income earners even if they are still employed

Thousands of people helping more people become financially free all over world even if they are employed

Headline9: Warning: blank

Warning: two-thirds of the. Middle managers in your industry will lose their jobs

Warning: You can end up buried in debt
"Warning: 98% of Filipino Senior Citizens End Up Financially Struggling"

"Warning: As you grow older, the closer you get to the exit door of your company! Are you ready for your retirement?"

***"Warning: Income from your job is not permanent! What if your company suddenly yank you out of your seat and throw you out of their doors? "

Headline 10: Give me blank and I will give you blank

Give me five days and I will give you a magnetic personality

Give me 15 min a week and I will make you a millionaire in 3 years

"Give me 3700php and I will turn you into a business owner in one week."
Give me 10,000Php and I will Start up your Multi Million International Business!

Headline11: blank Ways to blank

6steps to financial freedom
3 levels of correct investing
"3 Easy Ways to Invest and achieve your outrageous financial goals!"
"2Ways to Invest in the Stock Market and earn your multi millions"
2 Easy ways to Execute Your Financial Strategies

17 ways to reduce your maintenance cost0

Part 2: Oooomph the Opening

Key1. If then intro

"If you'd like to be financially free, then you need to act on your financial strategies"

Key 2.

Key 3. Be specific

Don't say i earned a million pesos; show instead how much exactly you earned.

Dont say my product last longer than my competitors; say my product last 2 x more than the closest competition

Key4. Give the reason why you are writing him

****I am writing you this letter because I care for you and your family's future. I know how it is to be financially struggling and wallow in debts. I have been in that very frustrating and desperate situation and it is not pleasurable. I want you to achieve financial independence and enjoy your retirement.

Part 3: Present the Problem

...and agitate the problem!

But do not talk down your customer. Use yourself or someone else for your sharing.

Key1. Find and feed an existing hunger

Pick a need that they already know they have

**** " Are you feeling insecure about your job? Do you fear retrenchment and down sizing is slowly catching up on you? Or are you financial illiterate and heavily indebted? Do you constantly struggle from pay check to pay check. Are you worried that you do not have a financial strategy for you and your family? I know the feeling because I had been in that situation. "

98% of Filipino Senior Citizens are financially struggling and majority of them (about 45%) depend on their children. So many of my friends who had retired and got their separation pay from the company we worked for had lost their money only after 2-3 years. I pity Pepe ( not his real name) who had earned so much during his working years but died poor without a decent healthcare protection. He had to even rely from the dole outs of friends. Why? He relied on the healthcare program his previous company provided that was automatically taken away when he retired from the company.

Another friend (Susan) went into failed business and investments for she did not learn how to invest properly and did not have a chance to get coached how to do it. She lost more than 2Million Pesos.

But you do not have to experience all of this. I can show you how I retire at age 51 financially free and increased my net worth to more than 8 figures!

Part4: Describe the Dream
Picture the dream
Paint the dream

But you know what you can be like this...

You can experience...

***"You are retired and is old but you have tons of money to take care of yourself, and your money don't get depleted. You take your whole family, including your grand children on a yearly local tour , and once every two years on a pilgrimage to Europe and enjoy gelatto in Italy where St. francis once walked.

Your children and grand children and friends kiss you and greet you happy birthday and you give them gifts rather than you asking from them. Each day is worry free for you have passive income that comes to you more than you need. You go to your doctor for regular check up. You are driven to your gym for your regular exercise and life is so enjoyable and so good for you and your family!"

Part 5: Boast YourBackground

Key1. Be personal

Probably, you are asking who I am...

Key2: if you can, be the first testimony

By the way you may be wondering who I am. ...

Key3: parade your achievements. But parade warmth over winds

For the past 32 years, i have had been able to make clients rich and they are grateful and I fell fulffilled

Key4: you should show your uniqueness

***"Probably you are wondering why a Mechanical Engineer like me talks about retiring financially free. In 2008 January, Fely; my beautiful wife retired from Intel after 25 long years of serving that company. After a year it was my turn to be retired after being in the semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industry for more than 28 long years.. We were financially stupid to say the least so we were afraid that we will lose all our retirement money. We had humongous 7 figure debts and we have a yearly obligation of 500,000Php to send our kids ( Chai and Rocky) to the green archers school in Manila. I felt so insecure, had lots of sleepless nights, and got into arguments and fights with people I love because I got so irritable due my financial woes.

But all these became the starting point of my career detour. I put to action what we learned from Bro Bo's Truly Rich Coaching Seminar and got into a company called IMG-International Marketing Company. Fely and I were coached how to manage our finances, how to get out of debts, and how to invest properly. We started to share our experience to our family and friends encouraging them to follow our example. In less than 3 years after my retirement, we were able to get out of our bad debts, had profitable investments, and was able to start to generate passive income of more than 153,678Php/month in 2012. We have been able to change more than 3000 people's lives all over the world and landed on top of our own company. I am now happily retired and financially free "

Part 6: Break Down The Benefits

List how your product will fulfill their dreams

Key1. Talk to the heart, then talk to the head

Key2. The most important word is you

key3. Use bullets for Benefits

The customer do not care about you or your product. They care about the what your product can benefit them

Key 4. you can put in the flaw in your product

Key5. Sympathize with their disbelief

Does this seem to be too good to be true? As you thought so myself, but what convince with me was...

Key6. Don't offend, criticize or thrash e competition. Nor give a bad joke.

Still use the emotions. Be colorful in your words.



* You will receive a total guide and personal coaching on how to be financially literate. You will learn how to manage your money, get out of your pestering and recurring debts, and also learn how money can work for you. Personal coaching will assure your success.

* You will be able to execute in less than 24 hours the various, safe and and profitable ways of investing with your 5000Php

* You will be able to define the proper way and the most effective way to allocate your investments.

* But.... Sorry to disappoint you, this is not going to be a get rich quick scheme. But I guarantee you, if you follow my system which I personally experienced you can be a multi-millionaire in less than 3 years.

* You will also have your privilege to get into a business opportunity, without a quota, time card, or boss! You are your own boss and you own the business!

Part 7: Touch Them with Testimonials ( with pictures)

People like to be led so tell them how people are buying

key 2. Collect contact info, collect testimonials

Key 3. Get short 2-3 sentence testimonials

Key 4. The more specific the better

Key 4. Use real people with real names and real places

Call up and interview a customer

Key5. Find testimonials for each of the benefit

The more testimonials the better

Part 8: Do The Deal

Go for the close
Ask for the close. Don't use the word buy

Key1. Never fight a price war. Fight a value war

Never compete on price, compete in value

Key 2. The high priced product with sizzling story will outsell the boring low priced product

Key 3. Always give a logic for the price and for the discounts

Key 4. Always compare apples to oranges

It cost $7000 seminar but you can get a dvd for $499

Key5. Break into parts and value each part.

Key6. Shave off a few centavos.

Psychology of buying a 29.99 vs 30$, or a 4975 vs 5000

Key 7. If the cost is high, allow a multiple payment scheme

Part9: Grab them with a Gift.

Key 1. Offer an Ethical Bribe that they cannot resist.

Key 2. Put a value to your bonus.

Key3. You may offer a bonus more desirable than the orig product


***" You probably would think this would cost you an "arm and a leg" to get your financial strategies defined. This could cost you more than 15000Php just for the seminars and financial planning and consultation.

But wait, you can start with a FREE 1-hour consultation if you call me within the next 24 hours !

As an added BONUS I will give you more if you decide to avail of our program... you can get an unlimited entry to all the weekly seminars with your family for a continuing financial literacy programs for FREE! What more? You will receive my eBook entitled "Risen From Debt" and a monthly eNewsletter Updates, and a Quarterly Market Updates from the best Fund Manager with a combined total value of more than 10,000Php... All for FREE! Call me NOW to set up your appointment!

Part10: Give a Guarantee

For lead generation. No need for the guarantee

Take all the risk; if they don't want to say yes, let them say maybe

Key1. The minimum guarantee is to give 100% money back

Average refunds is 7% to 12%; dont be bothered by refunds because the guarantee brings in more purchases.

Key 2. Be crazy and give more than money back guarantee

Insane 100% guarantee plus 1000Php as a way of thanking you!

Part11. Up the Urgency

Key 1. Create urgency by scarcity of availability
Key 2. Crate urgency by scarcity of time.
Key3. Create urgency by abundance of demands
Key4. Create urgency of an imminent increase in price

Part 12: Proceed with the Payment

Make them pay and repeat the benefits

Key1. Make it easy for them to pay
Key2. Offer them various options
Key3. Offer email and phonelines for email and questions
Key4. If you ask them to call you tell them what to say.

Just call is number 999999 and tell Sharon Masti that you want to get a ticket for the wealth summit tickets at an early bird discount

Key5. Reinforce the buying decision

Yes Bo! Sign me up

Key6. Got to learn to Upsell.

Always ask if you serve them with an upgrade... This is to make your customer happier...

Part 13: Put it into Media

1. Email
2. Blog
3. Social Media
4. Podcast
5. Video
6. Direct Mail.
Tip1. You may use an A-Pile Look
Tip2. Go all the way and hook them at the envelop itself
Tip3. Use grabbers
Tip3. Send out enlarged postcards

IV. Etc2: follow up
Send several emails

VI. Stuff3. Test
Create three versions. Send each version to random 100 people and check which one has response

V. Etc3. Internal eNewsletters- should be all about it will help them
Birthdays, anniversaries, old customers, partners
Establish relationship
5 parts
1. Personal message- stories from your life, business, lessons that can help them
2. Updates on your products- new applications, new products
3. Guest testimonies- how the product is being used... Great results
4. Letters/ q&a- gratitude letters, answer faq
5. Announcements- referral program, gift promo, contests, new products, contact details, schedules

Put PS.. It can be multiple PS. link them to a page....

Example of an eNewsletter, log into

For our regular BPMs happening all over the world, check out the TRM FB pages. Attend our Thursday 530PM, and Saturday 6PM TRM Weekly Meetings!

PS: To feed you with more information you can check this out:
PS1: To Learn More about TRM Team Business Meeting check this out
PS2: If you want to learn more about Stocks Investing go to
PS3: If you want to know more about how to do the simple steps to riches log into this:
PS4: I would love that you circulate this among your family and friends who wants to learn how to be financially free….


  1. very helpful indeed
    Thanks for this sir benj!

    Keep blessing others!
    Omeng from SmartPinoyInvestor

  2. Did you know you can create short links with OUO and make $$$$ from every click on your shortened urls.
