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Success may refer to:
- a level of social status
- achievement of a goal
- the opposite of failure
Significance can refer to: with purpose and importance
In IMG I define Success as Getting Rich, while Significance is Getting Others Rich as well. Thus, Success is being Truly Rich while Significance is becoming a Truly Rich Maker.
Becoming Truly rich is a goal while turning into a Truly Rich Maker (TRM) is a Purpose.I felt so good when we achieve financial independence, but I tell you now,I felt more fulfilled when we are able to help people become truly rich as well.
Like climbing a mountain or running a marathon, getting to the summit or crossing the finish line is an exhilarating feeling of success, but being able to help others climb their own mountain, helping them climb up to where you have gone feels a lot more better for me. I believe it is also true for all TRM... Right?
II. How Do we Move to Success
A. Remove Your Fears and Doubts:
I came from the corporate world and my mindset was solidly anchored on being an employee. Thus, in the beginning moving to success in this IMG business was tough for me. I had doubts, and fears, and lots of worry.
I fear that I am getting in a pyramiding scheme and might be the cause for many other people's woes. I had worries that my income from IMG would not be enough and would not grow. So the first thing I did was to remove my fears and doubts. I ask you now to do same.
B. Bombard Yourself With Positive:
But all these were eliminated by mind set change. I bombarded myself with the positive by attending Bro Bo's Seminars and the every Sunday PICC Feast. We made sure that we attend every Training opportunity in our IMG Office. We got our Business Training from our coach Joen Delas Penas, Shirley San Miguel, Cathy Borja, Doc Dada Rosanes, Doc Jaime Lorenzo, and Noel Arrandilla.
Face our fears. Stay motivated, and be persistent in achieving your goal. Go to the meeting and persistently pursue your 4S. (Ask your MD about 4S Details)
Face our fears. Stay motivated, and be persistent in achieving your goal. Go to the meeting and persistently pursue your 4S. (Ask your MD about 4S Details)
C. Act on Your Goals And Do it with Love
We also made sure that we act on the goals we set. We focused or stick with it and put our plans into action. Then we review our goals and update it regularly.
We organize our activities and team to pursue our individual and team goals. We defined our 4S and pursued our goals relentlessly.
III. Move to Significance
B. Focus on Changing Others People Lives
A. Serve Your Purpose
Focus on serving. Move people up. Help people achieve their goals and dreams. Love People. Serve our purpose. The more people we serve, the more people we help, the more people we impact the more we move closer to making significance.
B. Focus on Changing Others People Lives
Our business has a mission. And our mission is to
make sure no family is left behind. That we continue to change other people's lives. Commissions will just follow.
Build people. Coach people to be the best they can be. Do no do it alone. Duplicate yourself by having more people
C. Pray Unceasingly
In all things we do,offer it back to God. After all, our journey from Success to Significance we need to be fueled with LOVE, driven with LOVE...
1. Check and Review your Dreams and Goals for 2013 with your family. Declare to your friends. Post in your Novena to God's Love, and Trainers Manual. Create your Vision Board.
2. Read p326-329. Then check where you are on your Success to Significance Journey.
3. Review your 4S with your MD.
4. Attend Weekly Meetings and Commit to attend the BIG Event (SMX Convention June 22-23, 2013)
Next Month our Series of Sharing will be "Graduation Time"...
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