Tuesday, November 18, 2014

a Re-Post from PDI Article of a TRM IMG Member

For the past few months I’ve been thinking about completely different things. Previously, my brain was filled with thoughts of travel, family, career enhancement, and the progress of my nonexistent love life. In other words, I am a typical young single adult who is trying her best to live life as it happens, one day at a time. But recently, I’ve started thinking about money.
Sure, everyone thinks about money. When we think of going to a nice restaurant, normally we’ll first think about how much money we’ll be needing for that fancy meal. When we plan a weekend trip, shop for groceries, take extra classes, strive for a promotion, donate to a charity, and so forth, at some point we’ll think about money. Or, more appropriately, about how to use it to spend more for ourselves, our loved ones, or even the worthy causes we believe in.

We are all experts in the science of spending money, but rarely (at least in most of my generation) do we think of ways on how it could do more for us. Instead, we think of what we are willing to do for it. And why not? In his 1910 classic, “The Science of Getting Rich,” Wallace Wattles thoroughly explains that acquiring monetary riches is necessary for the enrichment of our body, mind and soul. It completely refutes the age-old belief that money, along with wanting more of it, is the root of all evil.

In my opinion, the real challenge, especially for us Filipinos, is how to keep the money. After all, if we knew, we would’ve been ranked among the top 50 richest nations in the world. That is not to say, of course, that the Philippines hasn’t done its part to rise up the ranks. According to financial analysts, our economic future seems pretty bright indeed. Nevertheless, I’ve started to think that we owe it to ourselves to learn how to be financially smart. And in this regard, I’ve started thinking about inflation.

Last September, the Philippines’ inflation rate was at 4.4 percent. On average, it goes up at 5 percent annually. Inflation, according to Webster, is a continual increase in the price of goods and services. I am in no way an expert in the field of economics, but I do recall from Econ 101 in my distant college days that its rise or fall is a reflection of our country’s growth, whether it be in agriculture, housing, business, etc. But for us normal people, it is a reality that we shrug off as we become preoccupied with our work, family and friends.

I remember clearly when I got my first job. With it came my first paycheck. And boy, did it feel good. It is the highlight of every neophyte employee—the joy of that first paycheck. And like every other normal young person, I immediately made a list of the different ways I could spend it. And spend it I did—in a span of one week.

Who cared about inflation? I was getting by just fine, thank you very much. I thought: I have a sufficient salary, enough for my needs and wants, so I can take that increase in commodity price.

Fast forward to five years later, and I realized, finally, that my salary was not enough. On top of that, I believed it was high time for career growth. And so I did the only logical thing to do as a professional registered nurse. I applied for a position abroad, and I got accepted. Still, I couldn’t care less about inflation. My thoughts were all directed to and focused on acquiring and spending more money, especially as I have all the time in the world as a single independent woman.

Fast forward again to one year later, I began looking at inflation squarely in the face. A series of fortunate events had led me to take quite an interest in it, because I realized that it is a phenomenon I should take seriously. It is one of the main reasons our country is a poor one, because we refuse to look at it for what it is and merely accept it as a way of life, instead of fighting tooth and nail to beat it. We concern ourselves with other issues. On top of the bills we have to pay, we are also too busy blaming—or, more appropriately, in my generation, bashing—the government for its corruption, enraged by politicians owning preposterously huge estates. We feel angry, violated, and hungry for prosecution. And why not? We regard that “pag walang corrupt, walang mahirap” slogan as gospel truth.
And maybe it is. Or maybe, just maybe, our economic welfare is in our own hands, not in the government’s. Maybe it is our responsibility to do whatever it takes, legally, to acquire wealth. Maybe it’s high time we thought about inflation and devised ways to overcome it ourselves.

But how? If inflation moves at an average rate of 5 percent a year, we need to start saving and investing our money in investment vehicles that give returns as high as 6 percent or more. We can start a small business, or invest our savings in mutual funds or even the stock market. As Warren Buffett puts it, not everyone is going to be entrepreneurs, but everyone should be financially literate.

Financial literacy means economic power. Economic power means knowing how to defeat inflation.

At present, I am a soon-to-be overseas Filipino worker looking forward to a fatter paycheck. But more than that, I am looking forward to more savings and investments that would allow me to become financially free at the soonest possible time. Aside from that, I feel lucky to also be involved in a part-time business which teaches people to become financially educated.

Of course, given my educational background, I cannot really call myself a certified financial adviser. But I have learned substantially in this new venture. I have learned that no matter where we come from in life, whether we hold a blue- or white-collar job, or whether we run our own business or work in a corporation, it is not a measure of how skilled we are in handling our finances. Inflation may have been taught in school, but money management sure wasn’t. Still, it is never too late—or, I guess in our case, too early—to start thinking, not casually but intentionally, about money.

It feels liberating somehow, knowing that I am working in my passion (as a nurse) and at the same time being able to plan ways to secure an even brighter future. And don’t get me wrong: I’m all for justice and truth, and supporting those noble and responsible people who make corrupt government officials weep as they go to jail. But to me, caring too much about these issues just won’t cut it if we want to see our country grow and prosper the way it rightfully should. To me, if we truly care about a more promising Philippines, the real work and focus of our attention should be how to become more empowered citizens of this country. And I believe it starts with caring where our money goes, and beating inflation.
Margaret Adelantar, 26, is a registered nurse bound for King’s College Hospital Inc. in the United Kingdom and a part-time financial literacy advocate at the International Marketing Group.

Read more: http://opinion.inquirer.net/80223/being-financially-literate#ixzz3JQ39DfeT
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Monday, October 20, 2014

Success with Security and Significance


How to Be Successful 
Financial Distribution Business

How we Were Able To Change People's Lives!

I am grateful to the Lord for all the success we have so far achieved! We are very excited to share how you can also succeed in this amazing business. My Mission is to help you get into and be successful in your own business so you can increase your cash flow and provide for your family's needs today and for their future. 

I know how it is to be an employee practically shackled and totally dependent   on a temporary income. I know how it feels to be  financially struggling and be buried in debts. I have experienced that very frustrating and desperate situation and it is not fun. I also know the difficulties people face when they transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur. The fears and uncertainties of what the future is. The bigger problem for most will be the capitalization, and other logistic needs.

So, I want you to be empowered to transform yourself to an entrepreneur in the Financial Distribution. I want you to free yourself from the bondage of employment, sales quota, monthly and quarterly deadlines and head aches, and be a business owner yourself and achieve financial independence and enjoy your early retirement no matter what your background is. Whether you are a retiree in your 50's or a young new graduate from high school or fresh from college ... It is really… really our goal and our passion and prayer to help people create their own business and start their journey to financial freedom. It is our PURPOSE and MISSION which Bro Bo Sanchez had been instrumental in planting in our heart... Thus I want you to share with you how to succeed in your own business with less than P10,000 as start up capital!

Bro Bo Introduction

It really doesn't matter what your age is, what your educational attainment, or your career background is. You maybe a 50+ engineer retiree like me, or a 23+ yaya like Fiv Divine, or a young Recently Graduate Engineer like my daughter Chai. You can get into the business and be successful.

If you want to know how Click this to tell me more how can I help you: IMG CHECKLIST

We have helped even OFWs and Government Employees rise up
from employee to entrepreneur earning 3 to 4 times more than when they were employed.

I Want You To Meet 

Some of the  

Couples We Were Able to  

Transform To A 

Very Successful Entrepreneur

Randy and Christy CANETE, are simple ordinary couple when we met them. Randy a seafarer and Christy a housewife. Christy was a shy, unwilling to do the IMG Business because she was so shy of herself and couldn't stand and face an audience.  But through our consistent prodding and coaching she became a SPONGE for learning. She attended the meetings and Big Events and now she is one of the most powerful speakers we have in IMG.

Add caption

Another couple  friend, Malvin and Matin Leano had a computer shop-Internet Cafe as their business before they join us. They had just finished high school and never had a degree. But in less than 4 years they were able to achieve 6 figure income regularly which is 4-5x their previous income as employees. Their dream is to simply be able to bring their family to Baguio. But with the IMG business they got into, they are travelling the world and had been to most places in Asia. Their most recent travel was in Hong Kong Disney with the whole family. Malvin is now one of the most inspiring Financial Coaches in IMG.

 How to Earn

6-Figure Income in 3 Years

There are many more Malvin, Matin, Randy Christy, in our IMG Business. They had been able to succeed because they were able to demonstrate Our Secret Ingredient of Success- SMS: SERVICE, MENTORING, and SYSTEM. These are really what makes us continually succeed. Let me unveil them  to you...

SERVICE first! We all believe that for us to DESERVE Big Blessings, we got to SERVE first. Same principle as in giving. The more we give, the more we will receive. These couples had shown the true meaning of service. They go out to far places giving FREE Financial Coaching without expecting anything in return.. All for SERVICE and , all for LOVE!

Christy and Randy had built their team in many places as well. Christy was full term in her pregnancy and yet, she was still relentless in SERVING by conducting FREE Financial Coaching in companies, and supporting out of town Financial Coaching. And so are Matin and Malvin who don't mind travelling back and forth 200 Km+ away to and from Cavite. Almost 16 hours of travel for a 1 hour coaching expecting no return or compensation but to SERVE. 

MENTORING on a continuing basis. We have our daily, weekly and quarterly dose of continuing mentoring on how to do the business. We have very selfless and dedicated mentors who don't have anything in mind but to make all of us successful in the Business. More of this below.

And our third Secret: SYSTEM. IMG has a very reliable and proven system of more than 30 years. We just Run the System and the System RUns our Business. 

How we Were Able To Change People's Lives
and Create a Powerful 
Business Team in more than 29 Countries!

We Simply ....BELIEVE TO DARE: Joel Osteen said Dare to Believe and yes we Believed. We believe and fully trust IMG can bring us not just success but also significance. 

We Dream, we Declared, We acted on our Dreams and made it to reality. We Dream Big not just for ourselves but for the whole TRM- Truly Rich Makers Team.

St. Irenaeus said, THE GLORY OF GOD IS MAN FULLY ALIVE. Our very own Bro. Bo said, GOD’S GLORY IS THE FULFILLMENT OF OUR DREAMS.Our biggest dream in life is to LIVE as a HOLY, HAPPY, HEALTHY, WEALTHY FAMILY so we can be a blessing to more families. This is what we have written in our Dream Board!

We Dream of creating a Community of Givers for we teach and show how to be prosperous via the 10-20-70 Formula. We share to all the people we meet how powerful and how wonderful it is to Pay God First with 10% of what we earn!

We Dream that all the OFWs and all the Filipinos all over the Philippines will be Financially Free by giving them the right information and right vehicle to achieve their dreams too! We dream that all people will believe that the whole purpose of money is to GIVE and to LOVE!


Our Dreams serves as our fuel to go for more. We are happy with what we already have accomplished, but we want to have more ,not anymore for ourselves but for others who are in need.

At the beginning of our business, we had a very big team = ME AND FELY. For two years it was just the two of us. At first it was frustrating. We were asking ourselves how come we’re not growing in this business. WHAT’S WRONG? Until one day, Fely said : “Ang galing galing mo mag training sa opisina, bakit sa business natin hindi mo yan magawa?” It took me 2 years to support my wife fully in the IMG business. After that, we finally banked on our own strengths and worked together as a team.

We became the invincible power couple. Fely was good in people management, in administrative work and monitoring, she was a natural achiever and she always anchored herself on excellence. I, on the other hand was very good with training and development, innovation and strategic planning. With our corporate experience . The combination of our strengths led us to where we are and what we have now.

Now after 12 Years of doing IMG Mission and Business, we have built teams in more than  29 countries  with about 737 Trainers in Key Cities in the Philippines and worldwide! And we are not stopping. We continue to build our teams. And our Team continue to build and multiple by themselves.

IMG Provided the tools that we needed: We just submitted ourselves to the system. We Run The System and The System Run our Business. IMG has a proven track record of 16 years but the system we use is actually more than 30 years which originated in the USA. Part of the System is the continuing Mentoring through Meetings.We have a system. The system gives us and our organization confidence and predictability. We have a system to duplicate. You learn, and follow our System. And we duplicated our teams all over the Philippines and the world!

Meetings are systematized as if you are going through a Business School. You upgrade your skills and know-how by one on one mentoring and classroom type of sharing. And every Quarter, a larger forum called conventions are held to assemble the best and the finest mentors.

Not only are we mentored on How To Do the Business, but also Why We Do the Business, and How to Invest What We Earn from the Business.

We relentlessly pursue Our MISSION – Helping Families Achieve Financial Freedom All over the world! And we live this mission. 

These couple in the picture Matin & Malvin is the first EVC we have mentored
They are just high school graduates. They use to work as production workers in Intel earning less than 20K per month! Now after 4 years in IMG, they are earning 6-figure monthly income already and have been traveling with us all over Asia and recently in the US! And next year in Europe! They used to dream to just go to Baguio but God gave them more than that! Malvin always says, I was born poor. But it’s not a reason that I will also die poor. I want my children to experience a prosperous life that I did not have when I was growing up! Isn’t it amazing? CLICK on THIS TO VIEW THEIR INSPIRING STORY

We pursued our mission relentlessly and anchored everything that we do on our Team Values - Faith, Integrity, Relationship, Service, and Teamwork

We value long term relationship with our clients. We treat our business partners and clients as our own family. We nurture each other and help families achieve financial freedom. We help everyone to become somebody. We use technology to stay connected and build relationship even with those outside the Philippines. This is also why we meet the spouse too and the family members.

We have faith in our Business Partners, Team Mates, Company, Our Leaders, Our Mentors, and our Mission. We truly believe God’s hands is in our Mission.

We do our Business with utmost integrity. We do it right and do not do short cuts. We do our business with uncompromising integrity.

We value Servant Leadership. We mentor our team to success so we also get ourselves mentored. We Serve first. We do mission first before the commission.

We value Teamwork. We believe that Together Everyone Achieves More. 

 Let Me Update You of Our Story…

Let me do a flashback: In 2008 January, Fely; my beautiful wife retired from Intel after 25 long years of serving that company. After a year it was my turn to be retired after being in the semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industry for more than 28 long years. We were financially stupid, to say the least, so we were afraid that we will lose all our retirement money. We had humongous 7 figure debts and we had a yearly obligation of P500,000 to send our kids (Chai and Rocky) to the green archer’s school in Manila. Where could I get this kind of money every year? I felt so insecure, had lots of sleepless nights, and got into fights with people I love because I got so irritable due my financial woes. CLICK THIS TO VIEW OUR VIDEO

Side Trip Dubai after Holy Land Pilgrimage

But my retirement became the starting point of my career detour. I sought advise, attended seminars, and read a lot of books by Robert Kiyosaki and Bro Bo Sanchez. I put to action what I learned from Bro Bo's Truly Rich Coaching Seminar and got into a company called IMG-International Marketing Group. Fely and I were coached how to manage our finances, how to get out of debts, and how to invest properly. We did not just learn…we started to do what we learned. And with discipline and consistency, we continued to do it since then till now. Then, after two years, we started to share our experience with our family and friends, encouraging them to follow our example. Now, after about 9 years after my retirement, we were able to get out of our bad debts, had profitable investments, and were able to start to generate passive income, which reached more than P100K/Week!  We were able to help more than 39,400 families and had been able to bring into the business 29 Green Jackets (Million Peso Earners), and 737 Senior Marketing Directors all over the World!. I am now debt free, happily retired and financially free! You can read all about how I have Risen from Debt in this eBook and Shepherds Voice Published Book entitled "DEBT DESTROYERS:

Here is what Bro Bo Sanchez 

got to say about 

Benj and Fely 

Bro Bo endorses us in this book...

“Benj and Fely Santiago are one of the most tireless, passionate, and loving financial teachers I have ever met. They just love people. They go from country to country helping Filipinos everywhere achieve financial freedom. Their deep desire to help others was born from their painful experience of being trapped in debt. Fely and Benj are tour guides who've been through the darkest caves. If you want light for your financial life, let them be your teachers. “- Bro. Bo Sanchez 

My Offer: 

If YOU are 


Let’s Do 

The Business Together…

So here’s what I want to offer you: A Financial Distribution Business. In simple language be a broker/dealer of all your financial services needs. Sound a bit heavy for a beginner in the financial industry. But, don't worry, we will coach you and hold your hand every step of the way towards making your own business successful and help you achieve your financial freedom.

All you have to do is call us up or email us  and tell us I am interested in the Business and we’ll set your schedule for a Business Presentation for you to make your assessment and decision. No commitment and NO FEES required on this preliminaries until you make your decision to pursue our Business Offer:

* A One-Stop Shop of all the basic Financial Services 

* By Pass The Middleman and Earn the Commission Yourself

* You have Multiple Passive Income Streams. There is no Quota, No Time Cards, No Boss. You are the Boss! And you can do it ON LINE!

* You Can Build Franchises All Over The World. A Business with Proven System, and Enormous Compensation

* And the Best Thing I love about this Business? You Earn By Simply Helping others Save and Invest. You Simply Share What You Do To Your Own Financial Situation.

By the way, this Business Offer is good for all Filipinos wherever you may be! Whatever field or profession you are in! 

Oh, did I tell you also there is no age limit? If you are 18 and up you are in. No experience, nor educational requirements! 

Our Business is a Simple, Clear, Fast, Doable Business!
Join Us Now!


* We will coach you how to set up a business opportunity, without a quota, time card, or boss! You are your own boss and you own the business! A business you can start up with less than P10,000!

* You will receive a  continuous personal coaching on how to be financially literate ON LINE and on our FINANCIAL CENTERS. You will learn how to manage your money, get out of your pestering and recurring debts, and learn how money can work for you. Personal coaching will assure your success.

* You will be able to execute in less than 24 hours Membership and Accreditation as Broker Dealer for Financial Services of reputable, well established, and solid companies such as Ayala Land, PhilEquity, Standard Insurance, Kaiser HealthGroup, and many others no matter where you are. 

* You will be guided and be able to execute your own investment within 24 hours the various, safe and profitable ways of investing with a minimum starting investment of only P5000 in Mutual Funds.

You will have Access and Discounts on Major Financial Services Needs such as your Own Auto or Property Insurance, Zero Load on Mutual Fund Investments, Your Short Term and Long Term HealthCare, Your Own Property Needs from reputable Developers (see our Product Partners List).

* You will be able to define the proper way and the most effective way to allocate in three levels of investing which will include among others investing in Stocks directly. You will be able to define for yourself and your family your short term and long term financial strategies that will allow you to be financially free!

* Sorry to disappoint you, this is not going to be a get rich quick scheme... But I guarantee, if you follow my company's system which I personally experienced you can be financially free in less than 5 years.

* Let me also forewarn you before you plunge deep into my offer. We love to travel and thus you need to make sure your passport is ready and you are always ready to pack your things and travel. 

Call me NOW to set up your appointment! Send me an eMail NOW at richbenj.santiago@gmail.com. Better yet, call me at 0920-902-1217… I would guarantee you a response within 24 hours no matter where I am…

See you soon!

God bless you,

Benjie and Fely Santiago

PS: Don’t delay. Change your financial life NOW! Call me at 0920-902-1217 or email me at richbenj.santiago@gmail.com and we’ll sit down together and help you create abundance for yourself and your family's future!

PS2. Once upon a time, we were drowning in debt. Today, we’re totally free and financially blessed. YOU can experience this too. Call me at 0920-902-1217 or email me at  richbenj.santiago@gmail.com and tell me I am really interested to join your business with your NAME/AGE.

Benj and Fely Santiago with Bro Bo Sanchez

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mission First.... That is What We do!

Let me share stories of what IMG Missionaries do in a day... a Trilogy... Different people, different needs, different service...


Anointing of Ease pala tawag dun...ang alwan ng biyahe ko kanina....Commute din lang ako kanina, and Taguig is not a familiar place for me.. From Cavite, nakatiyempo ako ng bus na diretsong Ayala, I passed by IMG para mag retouch.. At 3:30 PM, I rode a jeep to Mantrade and looked for the shuttle going to Mckinley, ang lapit lang pala niya.. I prayed kay Lord to guide me in this trip, basta wag sana mawala.. I arrived the place 45 mins earlier and I managed to get some snacks at Dells...walang ka pressure pressure... I've watched people, mostly from call centers, and I simply thank God!! Gratefulness hit me, I am out of the rat race! (nag sink kanina) "And because you are blessed, bless them too" I just thought about it..And when Jen fetched me to go up the building, I knew may mission ako duon. I'm going to bless a lot of people.....Love is built into our hearts when we do IMG mission.. Suddenly you become concerned about other people. Yes, we have our own concerns, but we set it aside for a while, for the greater good!!! Ang galing ni Lord!!

Just arrived Cavite....(ugh..back ache)....yup Good tired, but all worth it. Great sharing of concepts with Jennifer Rosales and HP Financial Wellness Committee Heads Ms Myra Mancilla and Sir Tim. After presenting today, we are set to haveseveral sessions of Financial Coaching classes in HP McKinley Hill and the other branch in QC. They understood our mission, how we do things and what we teach in IMG shares the same advocacy to HP Financial Wellness programs...They liked that what we do is more on the education and when we apply the concepts they are with the best interest of their employees..Thank You Lord!!


It was a blessed and exciting day yesterday for me and my kids. Early morning i have a guest. Financial Coaching was on going when Joyce called and asked me if there will be another session in the afternoon and i said Yes at 1PM we have one guest ( this one John shared about IMG - kapitbahay lang namin). Joyce just met this woman in the store. She saw the TRM shirt for printing and she asked the question to Joyce what those shirts for. Joyce shared with her what we are doing as missionaries. She immediately said she would like to attend the session. The woman came in before 1PM. The other attendee came in with my son John. After i have presented the woman whom Joyce met said she is interested to be part of the mission. After we've done all the paper works she said with tears in her eyes , " Quey hulog ng langit ang anak mong si Joyce sa akin. I believe this is God's will. I have been praying and i now believe this is the answer to that prayer." WOW!!!! A mother like me, who can hear these words from a person whom my daughter met 3 hours ago will utter those words. I can't help but cry and thank God for the AMAZING things he is doing in our lives as we continue to touch the lives of others. First time for me to meet her but she opened her heart and pour out her burdens. We ended up holding hands in prayer. This is truly a mission not only to teach people on financial matters to also help them come closer to God. Our missions is so SIMPLE- to help people and it is BLISSFUL!!! With this i am thankful God is using our family to show people He CARES!

Bro Bo Sanchez inspiring message during our June 2012 Convention is for real - "We are the ANSWERS to many people's prayer, We are the HOPE of many". I love you God! I love TRM ! I love IMG!!!!


This is my way of serving God.. I just came from a DEBT counseling session in Megamall. I could have asked this couple to meet me up in our office in Makati since they are the ones seeking counseling anyway. But since they are from Antipolo I agreed to meet them halfway in Megamall. Going there from Makati I already felt good. I said to myself, I'm going there to help a family. They will not pay me but I'm sharing with them my time, talents and treasures. This is where God is calling me. To help couples and families who are in a debt trap like where I used to be. I just commuted coz I don't want to drive to Megamall with the traffic and possible parking problems. I took the MRT from Magallanes station. I already heard stories about the long lines so I prepared myself. I brought with me Bro Bo's book "The Abundance Formula" which I also planned to give to this couple. God is really awesome. On the way, I prayed, Lord give me your anointing of ease. True enough the line was still not long when I arrived. Added to that the lady behind me was so kind enough to give me her extra MRT card so I will not line up at the ticket station anymore. Isn't that amazing? Small blessings come our way...Now the experience while inside the MRT station. At the Ayala station, I was literally pushed like a sandwich inside when people started pushing in to enter the train! Grabe. I couldn't move! Talagang parang sardinas. Punong-puno talaga! I just pity those who commute everyday! And considering wala ng pasok sa schools! Anyway, it took me 1.5 hrs from Makati to Megamall via MRT. I meet the couple and they brought their 5 kids ages 2 to 16! Would you believe they have 23 debts from different people with interest ranging from 3.5% to 10% per month! They seek counsel because their debtors have been harassing them already and they don't know what to do! They cannot sleep at night anymore...I'm sure those of you who are buried in debts can relate to this experience. Anyway, we had a good talk and laid down some actions they need to take and I assured them that God will surely make a way. Stay in faith. Honor God by putting their full TRUST in Him. All things work for good to those who love the Lord. I left Megamall before 9PM. I thought the MRT will not be full anymore! Wrong. The line was still long and 5 trains passed I was still not able to ride! Finally after almost one hour on the line, I was able to ride the 6th train that passed! Siksikan na naman..Grabe..Anyway, thank God I arrived home safely past 10PM. But I felt SO GOOD kahit mahirap sumakay coz I have served God thru this couple....Ang galing lang ni Lord..He used me to be the answer to this couple's prayers..that's how much God truly cares for each and everyone of us...share ko lang...