Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Building Builders Mindset: From Event to Event

I had a wonderful and exciting adventure getting into the World famous PPUR- Puerto Princesa Underground River! To get there, it is about an hour bus ride from our hotel and then another hour by speed boat to get to the mouth of the PPUR. We got in a smaller 9-seater "banca" to get into the cave. 

I sat at the front of the boat to hold the torch light or a car battery powered flash light. I saw that PPUR is a cave that is below sea level. As we go deeper into the cave (it is several kilometers long) the boatman told me to follow his instruction. Inside the dark cave I  pointed the light to the left or the right or top middle, etc. I saw the wonder of the beautiful rock formations inside that dark cave. The boat man precisely know the location of each of the formation. I specially love the image of Christ face! There are many many more formations that made me wonder how beautiful nature's creations are. They are masterpieces to behold.

This experience would not be possible without the expert guidance of our boat man "cum" tour guide. He showed us how to get into that dark cave. I wouldn't dare go into to that cave alone. It would be a horrifying experience and would not be able to see the wonders that is inside.

This same experience is what I had going into this IMG Business. The PPUR is IMG. The Expert Boatmen are Bro Bo Sanchez, Sir Joen Delas Penas, Sr Noel Arandilla, Mam Shirley San Miguel and all those who went in IMG ahead of us. The wonders inside are the Business Income and Benefits of doing the business. Each segment into the cave is our Training. Training we get from each meeting and event we go into. These are systematized so that we can go through it and enjoy it... however, each of us who gets into the business experience different levels of success even if we attend the same meetings and events. Why?

Fely and I  saw the importance of the Meeting Flow.  We attend the meeting regularly and we moved up from event to event. "We stayed in the boat as it goes further into the cave"...

But we also saw some of our contemporaries fail. But, it is not the new recruits mistake. It is the trainers short coming in not bringing the new recruit to the field, to the meetings and to the big events.  

Fely and I are successful in the business for we are able to move people from even to event. In the first year of our IMG business, only the two of us attend the meeting and the convention. This coming convention we will have more than 200 attendees from our team after being in this business for 5 1/2 years.

We go to field training or BMP at least 5X a week, and BMP or office meeting 2x per week (Thu and Sat) or (Tue and Sat), and big event of Convention at least once per quarter to build our minds.

In the 9AM Club we review daily our prospect list and our BMP/BPM Activities.

And through these events and meetings, the belief on the Business, System, Teamwork and Winning is achieved.

When I attended the meetings and hear the accomplishments of those who were ahead of me, It strengthen my belief in the IMG Business. Eventually I made a big Team that has Team Work and proud to be Winning Champions.

Each meeting or event has a Purpose. The BMP at home is to build relationship with the family, the spouse specially.

The other purpose is to lead by example nd foster duplication in the field. It is also to create passion for the mission in helping people and selling the business.

The Big Event is for STRETCHING the VISION of the Team.

"Alone you cannot build people's minds. But big events can."

I attended the USA Convention and this totally blew my mind! My business goals increased to 7 figures/month from 6 figures which is already satisfactory in the past.

But we know that we  cannot change people. We did  not hallucinate that all these meetings and conventions will alter the way all the people think. We continued to simply show by example, and shared the changes that the events had done to us.


The Big Events creates an environment of change. The magic of the crowd sets in. When I went for the first time in the local convention, I saw different kinds of people in different fields so passionate about sharing the IMG Mission. This gave me the warm feeling that if they can do it I can do it too.

When we have our Convention out of the country, the team have the opportunity to travel abroad, but we also had a great time bonding and developed a closer relationship.

But we should not "be killed by the meetings". Too many meetings is not good! This is why our TRM Meetings are limited to twice a week. Twice a week 9AM Club, Team Meeting, and Office BPM. The daily activities are more of the prospecting, inviting and presenting. We got to make money in our business.

Therefore, the TRM Meetings we hold is still tied up on how our team can maximize their time in the business by spending 90% of the meeting time on how the new recruits can improve their prospecting, inviting and presenting.

The events are like the highlights success stories and experiences of our business leaders. It gives us excitement. More than that,.we also get inspired as well by the passion and dedication that our leaders exemplify.

Our PPUR experience seeing the grand and awesome figures curved by nature on the walls of the cave got us excited. But beyond the excitement, I also got inspired to be proud of our country and its beauty. I went in and out of that cave excited and inspired. The boatman provided the excellent guide and we were so happy we went through that experience. 

In IMG, we experienced the same and continually experience the excitement and inspiration to bring more people into the business. To guide and coach them to be successful. And there is no secret... we just have to go through the different events. We got to be present in the BPMs, BMPs, Team Meetings, and Big Events!

June 22-23 is a date we already booked for another exciting Annual Convention of Champions in SMX MOA! So excited to be there!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

TRM Events June 2013

Education is Continuous...

I. Back To School!

June is the first month of a new school year here in the Philippines. It is also the month where most couples get married. This June we will have our Annual Convention Of Champions at SMX..The BPMs and BMP are the basic education, GT and Weekly Meetings as intermediate and the Big Events such as this coming Convention in June is the University education in IMG Business.

Convention is where the Big Builders (The Masters) in the IMG Business share their experiences. Great builders from USA and Canada come together with the WSB Chairman Xuan Nguyen and coach us how to succeed in our IMG Business and Mission. We move people's mind set from event to event. Each event is unique and creates an impact different from the last. And the learning and education never stop. 

II. What's New With TRM

June is the month of our transfer to our new office in King's Court Bldg1. We will move up from 3rd Floor to 9th Flr of the same building.

III. GUESTS Testimonies- By Christy and Randy Canete

Ever since I was a child, it's always been my dream to work in an executive building, interact with people and travel to different places. That is why I took HRM and hoping to make all these into a reality. But when I met my husband Randy, who is a Seafarer, and became a mother to two wonderful children, my life turned to a different path. More so, when my eldest son was diagnosed with Autism, I focused all my attention to his special needs and to my growing family. I gave up my personal dream and embrace the role of a full time housewife. Putting up my own business did crossed my mind. But due to my sons' condition, his tantrums were horrendous, it seems very impossible. I just can't let other people to look after him. 

Christy (Front Row Right) with TRM MD's

For years, I became very complacent. I didn't worry about our finances since I married a good provider Seafarer husband. I failed to save and invest long-term because I felt financially secured or should I say, financially ignorant. All we know is how to save in the bank. Mutual Funds? Never heard before. 

Until one day, our family faced a lot of challenges. In 2009, I had to underwent a surgery due to a Metastatic Ovarian Cyst. Blessed enough, it was not cancerous. My husband's company offered an Internship program and was greatly affecting all the crew. He didn't receive a contract as often as before. As a result, he was jobless for almost a year. I have two children to send to school, mortgage, bills and loans to pay. Our expenses were growing tremendously, also because of our lifestyle. And worst, our marriage was also tested. When a couple invited us to join this Marriage Encounter in 2010, we accepted it wholeheartedly. 

The outcome of this Marriage Encounter was more than what we've expected. It didn't just strengthen our marriage and faith to our Creator and be involved to this fantastic Spiritual Community. We we're introduced to this company International Marketing Group or IMG that brought financial awareness and provided our family a lifetime business under the mentorship of Engr. Benjie and Fely Santiago. 

At first, I was so hesitant to actively participate with the team. For more than 13 years, I was a prisoner of my own house. I only interact with my children. I don't have any social engagements that would build my confidence. I felt like fainting every time I'm asked to stand up and talk in front of a crowd. I always run out of words especially when I'm conversing to someone who have achieved a lot in the society. I pity myself. I'm ashamed of myself. 

Christy (left) with TRM MDs in Singapore.
But these insecurities didn't stopped me. With the help and support of my family, mentors and teammates, I was able to get out of my comfort zone. I was like a student eager to learn everything. I tried all means to boost my self-esteem, like discussing the concepts with my children even if they don't know a word about what I'm saying; record my voice while internalizing every details of the presentation; attend seminars and be inspired by the speaker; tried not to miss any team meetings and a lot more. 

My journey in IMG was not easy. I shed a lot of tears and faced lots of rejections and disappointment. It is also inevitable to meet people who will doubted and belittled me. But, I know what I want in life and how to achieve it through IMG. And with faith and trust in God we surpassed all the challenges. We were able to achieve success! Now, after two years in IMG, I have an office in one of the prestigious buildings in Makati, conduct seminars in schools and corporate agencies and traveled to different countries like Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore.

I will always be grateful to my mentors, who didn't stop believing in me, the encouragement from my teammates, and to my family who inspires me to achieve more and be the best person I can possibly be. And to IMG for paving a way to achieve financial independence, secure my family and help thousands of people to do the same, and making my dreams to come true.

IV. What are The Exciting Events Coming!

June 22-23 is fast approaching we shall have our 2-day Convention in MOA-SMX! Make sure you attend this Convention here in the Philippines. I am sure we will be able to expand our business through this convention. Exciting Awards Night with Gala Night for Champions is awaiting us! Be there. Make sure you register! In the convention there are more exciting announcements we will hear. Equally exciting are the freebies and red carpet treatment for the promotees this convention.

Just about a month from now, we will have an Executive Trip to Halong Bay in Vietnam. If you qualify as SMD then you not only get promoted to SMD in our June Convention but you also qualify for this free trip in Vietnam all expense paid. If you are SMD and Up then all you need is to get through your MD (Directs) 60:60:90 and you qualify for this Vietnam Trip! If you want your spouse to be with you, do the 120:120:90 days run... There are  more than 5  qualifiers in our team! So excited on this 4-day Holiday Trip to Vietnam! You still have your chance. Go for it!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Next Serving: Amazing Laws of Prosperity 11th to 21st!

Thursday, May 7, 2013

Fely and Benj with Bo Sanchez

11th to 21st  Amazing Laws of Success and Prosperity

Declare, Affirm, Focus, and Enjoy!
The first 10 Amazing Laws had been served last Thursday. The first 10 which I shared last week can be summarized into three major segments: Give, Think  and Feel Success and Prosperity.This 2nd Thursday of May, we will share the 11th to 21st Amazing Laws of Success and Prosperity. This 11 Laws we will have this week I summarized into: Declare, Affirm, Focus, Bless and Enjoy Success and Prosperity!
Benj with Arbee and Ned Roberto and Bro Bo Sanchez
All Great Speakers and Authors

Before we share the next 11 laws, I want you to bring out your Vision Boards and so we as a community of believers can pray for each of our dreams!...

Like the first 10, these really fantastic, awesome and super amazing laws #11-21 really works. It will surely give you a pattern and "wow" guidelines towards success and happiness!

Are you ready for the next serving? Let's go though it....

Law#11: Law of DECREE. What you DECREE Shall come to pass.Your words
have power.“The tongue has the power of life and death.” Proverbs 18:21

When we define our dreams in our Trainers Manual, or in our Novena to God's Love, we must not let it just stay written. We must declare it to our family and our friends. This is the reason why every time we have our first timers, I always ask them to declare their vision of IMG business. I want everyone to declare what they would want to achieve.

Thought must be declared in our lips, and  what we declare comes to reality. That is why we pray aloud our favorite prayer "Millionaire's Prayer" of Bro Bo Sanchez.


Law#12: Law of Affirmation. What you affirm, You’ll believe. What you believe, you’ll receive.
Rules in Making Affirmations:
1.Say it positively
2.Make your affirmation
short & simple 
3. Say it in the present tense.

“God is my Source of supply. Money is freely circulating in my life. Freely I give and freely I receive”

This is saying aloud your positive thoughts. It follows the Law of Decree to remind us that what we must declare are in the "affirmative" or "Positive". Madalas sinasabi natin, ay sana wag trapik (we frequently say, I hope it is not traffic), but the law of affirmation tells us to say it  : " It is going to be a smooth-flow today".

We often hear people say "ang hirap ng buhay" or "hay buhay" (life is difficult.) Guess what , life will be difficult for those who declare it to be hard. We must declare what  is positive and what we want to achieve and not what we do not want to happen.

Law#13: Law of Relaxed Mind. You attract more good when you are relaxed. Your mind is like a magnet. You can attract to yourself the things that you think. Thoughts are energy. Say… “I now relax, let go, and let my good come to me”… then let go and let God work wonders in your life.

When I am faced with difficulties or an irritating situation, I also bog down some times. But most of the time that I relax my mind and have my focus on the solution to whatever bothers me, then I am able to come out a winner most of the time. When I do not rely on my own capabilities, and capacity but in God who gives me the peace and strength to face up with any situation I achieve my goals.

In IMG, when I do BPM and my mind is relaxed, more often the outcome is positive. The people who comes to the BPM enjoy what they hear and join me.

Law#14: Law of Focus. A focused mind is powerful.

Laser is powerful and can cut through steel. Laser is but a focused light beam. Scattered light is ordinary light. When we have so many activities, we need to make sure we focus on it one at a time. In business, we may have the capability to have 2-3 business but more than that requires extreme measures. Time management techniques allows us to have focus. 

In IMG we do have our 9AM Club to have our focus. We start the day with what is essential (Prospects and Invites) and plan our activities in a focused manner. Focus is what we need to achieve our success and prosperity.  

Law#15: Law of Persistence. Hold on to your dreams or mental picture long enough and you’ll make it come true. Believe until you receive.

Persist even when it is difficult and everything seems to be going wrong. A lot of people quit in what they are pursuing not realizing that they are just a few more steps to their success. "Kung may Tiyaga, may Nilaga" ).  I do not know how to interpret this...need help...but what I know is that this can also be the same as "consistent patience" or "persistence".  A lot of times, when I encounter difficulty in the early stages of our IMG business we were tempted to simply call it quits and just go back to the corporate world. Become an employee again. But when we hold on to what we have placed in our dream board, and believed that only IMG can make it to reality, we persisted. We saw our IMG Business vision, we believed in it, and we persisted. We have achieved success and prosperity in 5 years and our persistence pays off handsomely!

"Just like a tiny drop of water that continuously drop in one location, that tiny drop of water can create a hole even in the hardest rock". That is persistence.

Law#16: Law of Blessing. Blessing brings the good out of every situation or
experience. “I bless this situation or experience. Only good will come out of it.”

“I bless you and the goodness of God in you. I now surrender you to God and God now takes care of you. Only good will come out of this experience.”

“I bless you and the goodness of God in you. I now surrender you to God and God now takes care of you. Only good will come out of this experience.”

“I bless you and the people who can use you.”

“I bless this money God multiplies it abundantly.”
"I bless you and the goodness of God In you."

What you give you receive. That is the Law of Giving. So following this Law, the more we bless, the more we are blessed. I remember the sharing of Gerlee Calisin about blessing. "One day the pet dog of Gerlee's sister "pooed" inside their house. Instead of being irritated, Gerlee told his son to clean up the "blessing"."True enough, when Gerlee's sister learned about it, she gave Gerlee's son 50 Php. That maybe a little bit gross but I believe it is bringing the good in every situation by blessing even the most mundane situation.

Let me tell you my story. In 2009 January, my company identified me to be retired. I was 52 then. When I was in that situation, I did not see it immediately as a blessing, but looking back now, it was really a fantastic blessing that I was retired. It allowed me to focus on doing the IMG Mission and business and make it to what it is now. I continue to thank the Lord for a blessing in disguise and It made me resolve to always bless any situation or experience regardless if it is happy or sad,  success or failure, gain or loss. I bless all things and experience and look forward to something greater that will come out of it!

Law#17: Law of Praise. “Praise multiplies your blessings.” Praise God for His goodness. Praise Him for every flower that blooms. Praise Him for every bird
that sings and every rain that falls. Praise Him for being in control of everything
in the universe.

Always praise God in everything. God dwells in our praise. In His presence our blessings are multiplied! Whenever we praise others too, we double the positive. When we say negative things, we subtract or nullify the blessing. So be generous with praise to everyone and to our God!

Law#18: Law of Gratitude. Gratitude draws more blessings. Start your day with thanksgiving. 

Thank God for a new day.

Thank God for the sunshine.

Thank God for the people you love.

In everything give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Gratitude is an attitude that prepares s to receive more blessings. Be thankful  in all situation and experience. I Thank God even for the most simple blessing of a parking slot. The morning sunrise, the beautiful sunset. Everyday I post a thanksgiving note for a fantastic day ahead.

Be thankful also to the people you meet and work with. Whether they irritate you or bless you, be thankful. I gave a talk to about 300 people and only two people join me. I thank the 2 that joined me and the 298 that did not just the same for I had the opportunity to share to all 300 of them who came.

Law#19: Law of Joy. Joy Attracts More Joy.

“This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
(Psalm 118:24)

Look at the sunshine, not the shadows. 
The roses, not the thorns. 
And the laughter, not the tears.
Think of things that make you happy.
Not the things that make you sad.

Be happy. Be joyful. It is the Law of Attraction and Law of Emotion in Action. When we are joyful we attract more of what we feel. I remember when I conducted a BPM and I was not happy or joyful because the attendees of the BPM are not giving their full attention. Guess what? Nobody joined me in that out of town BPM I conducted. But every time I feel joy in the BPM I made, all the people I had talked to were all so happy too to join me.

Law#20. Law of Love. He Lives best Who Loves best.

Law#20. Law of Forgiving. Forgiving opens the flow of blessings into your life.
You maybe blocking the flow of blessings into your life because there’s someone
you haven’t forgiven.

To the person who has done you wrong say: “I forgive you. I now release you and surrender you to God. God is now taking care of you. All is well and I am at peace.”
To the person you have done wrong say: “You fully forgive me.You set me free and let me go. You let go and let God.”Also forgive yourself: “God loves me and forgives me. I forgive myself and I now Release myself from my past mistakes. I begin a new life. I let go and let God!”If you do not forgive others neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.(Matthew 6:15)

I want you to think about the person who wronged you, or whom you have probably hurt too in the past, and free them by giving forgiveness and asking forgiveness as well.

Also take a moment to forgive yourself so you free yourself from your trespasses. This will allow the blessings that is blocked by not forgiving to come into our lives. 

Couples who are in this IMG Business, most of the time like me and Fely we got some tiny irritations and it sometimes even explode into a big argument. We got to forgive one another so that our IMG Business will flourish and so that we can become successful and prosperous.

St.Ignatius says "Find God in everything". This for me is same as thinking and feeling positive in every situation. It is  for me, being in the present and enjoying every moment of it.

So there you are. These are the first serving of the 10 Amazing Laws. Next week we shall have the Law 11-21. 

As an assignment, I want you to create your vision board. If you already have one, I want you to update it and bring it in our next meeting.

God bless us all!

Jittery About What Is Happening In PSEi? Check What The Expert Say....Rejoice!

This is a FB post by FAMI Mutual Fund Expert Gus Cosio

Apparently, some foreign funds have programmed themselves to lighten up on emerging markets. It is plain to see that a good number would be selling Philippine stocks considering that many of the index stocks have gone up quite a lot. I guess the anxiety always arises as to whether these foreign funds will come back or not. To my mind, it is not as important as it was in the past.

Over the past few years, we have been seeing the greater importance of local investors in the market. This is the way it should really be. In the past, fund managers chose to ignore the Philippines because the market was very shallow in the absence of a strong domestic investor base. Nowadays, this base has become wider to the extent that local investors already out weigh foreign funds by a ratio of 7 to 3. I reckon, this ratio should even tilt in favor of the locals because the local participation has been enhanced by the accessibility of investors to mutual funds and UITFs. The industry numbers bear this out.

Why is this important to us? As far as I am concerned, this shifts the opportunity to local investors with this correction phase of the market. Stock prices were fueled by sustained foreign buying since the beginning of the year and many local investors or investor wannabees got left far behind. Many did not want to enter the market because it may have gone ahead of itself. What this correction tells us is that it has.

Fortunately, signs are not present that we should panic. What drives markets into crashes are bottlenecks that arise in the underlying macroeconomic backdrop. If we look at the past 20 years, it has been driven by bottlenecks in the banking system either from domestic or foreign causes. Domestic causes tend to bring about bear markets that last very long such as the Asian Financial Crisis that endangered a number of Philippine banks. That brought about a 7 year secular downturn for Philippine stocks. Ironically, when the Global Financial Crisis struck in September 2008, the local market managed to have bottomed out 6 months later in March 2009. such was the case because the local banking system was very sound and there were no bottlenecks created locally.

Today, we have an even stronger banking system and enough savings in the economy to support a huge amount of domestic investing activity. Furthermore, we have a credit rating that will encourage those who have otherwise avoided our market to come and sink their teeth into Philippine stocks. Finally, we have GDP growth that is now the strongest in the region and even in the globe for that matter. All these factors tell me that rather than be downtrodden by this decline in stock prices, we should be jubilant because over the next time period, we can buy our market on the cheap. Isn't that good cause for rejoicing?