Saturday, March 30, 2013

Truly Rich Makers eNewsLetter April 2013

Mission And Passion To Perfection...

Bro. Bo Sanchez with Geena and Winnie at PICC FEAST

I. Perfection Time!

Good Friday marks the Perfection of the Love of God! I saw the partners Winnie and Geena with their respective spouses in the Good Friday Retreat by Brother Bo. Geena (Snowhite as we fondly call her) and Winnie were in their TRM uniforms! I call that not just dedication but a journey to perfection! Would you dare disagree? Ask me why I call that journey to  perfection? "Wala lang"...

I call that journey to perfection for Winnie and Geena are examples of TRM Missionaries who are doing what they are doing all because of the love and concern for other people and they put their passion into what they are doing going out of their way even on a Good Friday! 

Guess what? This month of April for TRM, we will have as a series of Training that is focused on "Mission And Passion To Perfection". This is inspired by the sharing of Gerlie Calisin, Alma Tolentino and Dra Lynette Pagatpatan in one of our 9AM Club Meeting. I will share our very own experience and the experiences of our fellow TRM Missionaries across the "universe" (I'm over proclaiming for this is truly what I desire) in their mission and how they got sting by the IMG Mission. We will also share who inspire us to have the Passion that finally we are in the process of achieving Perfection! I am sure, you will be blessed by these sharing. So you cannot afford miss our Thursday TRM Team Business Meeting where these will be revealed...

April also will Top Bill in our Sharing our NEW TRM CEO- Malvin and Matin Leano (pending formal approval). They completed their magnificent and exciting CEO run last March 27, 2013 just before the IMG office closes down for the Holy Week vacation. 

I want you all to succeed! You are all Champions... You will be coached and learn how to make it Big in IMG. Be in the meeting. Be there! Be blessed! 

I truly believe that once we clearly understand what our IMG Mission is , and we direct our Passion towards said mission, then we are on our way to Perfection!

God bless us all!!!

II. What's New With TRM

We will continue with more Higher Series Training this month of April! The month of March gave us a great learning on why we call our first three levels of investing as Level 1 Level 2, and Level 3. This month of April, we will tackle why Kaiser is a great Investment Vehicle...Starting with Why it is a Financially Stable company. 

We will finalize design of  our EVC shirt  for all TRM Members. The EVC Shirt will be our way of rewarding our TRM Team Members who get to qualify for a 3:3:7. This is on top of the 10K Reward by IMG on the 5:5 Qualifiers till March 18. We will release the initial names of the 3:3:7 Qualifiers for the T-Shirt. Attention all MDs: Submit your 3:3:7 Qualifiers on or before April 30, 2013.

We claim the promotion of our very first CEO in the TRM Team: Malvin and Matin Leano! They achieved what they committed to achieve.This is what is new with TRM this month of April!

We are also so excited about our June 22-23 MOA-SMX Convention this year! Last day for the discounted registration is on April 15, 2013. After that the fee will increase from 2500Php to 4000Php. Do not beat the deadline, register now while it is still 2500Php and enjoy the Learning and Fun Time on the first Day which will feature a Dinner Gala Night with a Show. We need all MDs to make sure they submit their list of attendees on or before April 30 too for the T-Shirt and the food preparations.

III. GUESTS Testimonies- By Geena and Manny Laserna

Why am I doing the IMG Mission? 

My 1 year & 10 months in IMG = 4 promotions, 4 certificates, 5 pins, 3 awards, 2 trophies, 4 medals, 3 times 5-5 qualifier, IMG watch, 4 BIG events, 3 of which are out of the country, 5-digits monthly passive income and an MD plaque.

Are these the reasons why am I doing the IMG mission??...Well, not really. The real reason is because of SNOW WHITE..

S – upportive Spouse 

I am so blessed, because the Lord gave me a very loving and supportive husband. Manny have always been my strongest leg and perfect business partner in spreading the IMG mission.
N – oble job to teach Financial Literary

Teaching was one job that I never dreamed of. But the Lord led me to this path, because he has other purpose for me.

“You can make plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” - Proverbs 19:21

O – pportunity

Opportunity to share IMG's powerful concepts

Opportunity to change people's lives, for them to experience what I've experienced.

Opportunity to help others achieve their dreams and be financially free.

W – ay to my Destiny

W – onderful relationship

I experienced my mid-life breakthrough when I joined IMG and regularly attends The Feast at PICC (where I draw my spiritual strength), I have met lots of wonderful people and business partners who became dear friends, all the way to Cagayan de Oro City.

H – ope & Humility

I hope and believe that God has bigger plans for me in doing this mission and humility to learn from successful people, like Sir Benj & Tita Fely, Malvin and Nancy who have had their winning moments in IMG and in life.

I – nvestor & Real Saver

From being a Super Spender to a Real Saver & Investor.

May I be an inspiration to all those shopaholics out there, to realize the value of long-term investments vs. a signature bags or shoes.

T – ruly Rich Team

I am blessed to be part of IMG and I am just so happy and proud to belong to the fantastic Truly Rich Team, where I found great mentors and role models, in marriage, spiritual & financial life and social responsibility.

E – qual Opportunity

Everyone has equal share and opportunity, regardless of who you are, your status or degree, your connections, etc.. . Everyone in IMG is given the chance to succeed and achieved their dreams.

“When you know the why, the how will follow. When you have the will, you will find a way.”

IV. Feedback

This section is for your questions and suggestions. I want you to eMail me at and I would surely respond and post it here.... if it merits posting (of course it is... Right?)

Be the first to put your comments on your field experience or questions that arise from your base-shop meetings.

Keep them coming... Be part of our eNewsLetter by contributing your questions, sharing and stories....

V. What are The Exciting Events Coming!

Bro Bo had conducted a Wealth Summit and no less than our TRM Head Coach Fely and Benj Santiago (Super Heroes  of Abundance- Debt Destroyers) were panelists in the no holds barred sharing on why we do what we do in IMG. Many of those who have problems with their debts came to them for advice and consultation. And many more will be blessed as they go around Asia to promote Financial Literacy to our fellow Filipinos abroad. Find their schedule on this link: Asian Mission

June 22-23 is fast approaching and once again we shall have our 2-day Convention in MOA-SMX! Make sure you attend this Convention here in the Philippines and you will surely be blessed by the main speakers. According my "tsismologist" Bro Bo and Rex Mendoza will be in the convention. I am sure we will be blessed by their mere presence. What's more exciting is that they will surely deliver their updates and messages to all IMG Convention Attendees! Be there. Make sure you register on or before April 15!

Once again, In July there is a Executive Trip to Halong Bay in Vietnam. If you qualify as SMD then you not only get promoted to SMD in our June Convention but you also qualify for this free trip in Vietnam all expense paid. If you are SMD and Up then all you need is to get through your MD (Directs) 60:60:90 and you qualify for this Vietnam Trip! If you want your spouse to be with you, do the 120:120:90 days run....

PS: To learn more how to be a Truly Rich Maker, check out our TRM eSalesLetter at...
PS1: To learn more about investing in Direct Stocks through CitisecOnLine check this page:
PS2: To get updated on our every Thursday Business Meeting... Log into
PS3: I would be happy to see that this is circulated in your emails, FB page, and other media sites for circulation to your family and friends.

The IMG Mission and Vision


To Make Your Family's Dream into Reality. We are committed in helping families achieve their dreams, through our business opportunity, as well as our products and concepts. Check this out on this page

Mission among many other definition is what is what we do in IMG as defined by Merriam W.,  Mission: Calling, or Vocation.

It is something we would do even if we do not have to be forced to do. It is something we are called to do. It is something we will do at all cost even if we do not benefit anything from doing it.  It is our calling which "includes the pain of defeat, the hurt of endurance, and the sacrifice for a cause that benefits others."- Xuan Nguyen

Note I underline the words, a cause that benefits others more than it benefits us. That's real mission.

Let me share to you the story of our recently promoted CEO. They went on a mission to help out an associate in a far place in Quezon. They went there riding a bus for more than 7 hours. They went there and they had the pain of defeat, the hurt of enduring the 7 hrs trip one way just to stay there for an hour with no one to talk to for they were late by 30 minutes. They sacrificed for the benefit of others. After that experience, they became unstoppable. No distance nor rejection can ever stop them. They are blessed. They become Champions...they got promoted to CEO!

When only we are clear about what mission is and what we need to accomplish that we can truly be missionaries.

So what do we need to accomplish in our mission?

1. To Sell Understanding and Not Products- "It is not so much about the products but the financial understanding that's most important. If people understand their needs, then they can buy the products that provide solution." p.253 System Builder

2. To Sell a Higher Level of X-Curve- "Thus, don't sell them insurance. Don't sell them investments. Sell them higher level of responsibility and a financially independent future. The responsible person will make good decisions for their family."

Sell them a higher level of X-Curve.

When a man is exposed to the right information and understands wealth building, they can change their family life. If a man has a wealthy mind, eventually he can be wealthy. But a man who lacks a wealthy mind, even if he wins  the lottery, will eventually be poor.

Our job is to plant the seed of wealth into people's minds and show them the way. Then they can complete the journey." p 255 System Builder

In my BPMs in many places all over the world. I emphasize the need to be financially literate and do the Personal Financial Plans to achieve their financial freedom. This is my way of selling the dream, and planting the seed of building wealth in people's minds. Where was I inspired to do this? It is on  many occasions. 

The mission was also very strongly relayed by Mam Shirley in the very first Training Convention I attended December 2007. At that time Mam Shirley was awarded her CEO-Master Builder Plaque. Mam She shared her mission work for many DH in HKG. She encountered lots of trials and rejections but she persevered for she wants to uplift the lives of DH in HKG and she succeeded to build a big team in HKG.

I remember the very first BPM that Dr. James did for us in CSR-TMC sometime in February of 2008. This is the school of my kids and it was a long commute for Doc James. But I saw his missionary heart in what he is doing. He did his best to present the concepts. Doc James and I did not recruit anyone from that BPM that day, but surely I was stung by Doc James missionary heart.

A much larger sting happened last June 2012 at SMX MOA when Bro Bo Spoke to us. He said that we are our brothers keepers and that it is our mission...


To Lead the Financial Revolution International Marketing Group is positioned to become the no.1 marketing company to deliver investment products & concepts to the average people on a grand scale. This is what you can read on this page:

Our vision of what we do in IMG is the Mission before the Commission.

Action Required:
1. List all the TRM Members you have in your team. Contact them all and make sure they really grasp the True Mission of our Company.
2. Review your BPM Materials. Put more focus on the Mission.
3. Update your Prospect List by adding people whom you would like to Share this blog to  to encourage them  to join our mission.
4. Read p251-256 of the System Builder book and share with your team.

Guest Blog: Mutual Funds (Level 2) Vs Direct Stocks (Level 3)

Mutual funds vs stocks

written by MutualFundsPH on March 17, 2013 in Blog with no comments
By Rafael Matsunaga (Flickr) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons with My Notes By Benj Santiago
There are two ways to invest in the stock market — investing in pooled funds like mutual funds or directly buying shares of stock. But which is better? Let’s take a look at how each stacks up:

No. 1: Return

  • Average returns for stock funds are around 15% to 20% per year. Of course, actual returns fluctuate widely on a yearly basis. But generally, returns are dragged down by liquidity requirements, higher fees, transaction costs, etc.
  • It’s possible to beat the performance of mutual funds by buying stocks on your own using fundamental and technical analysis (rational decisions, not emotional decisions) and by keeping trades to a minimum.
Winner: It depends. If you know what you’re doing, stocks win. Otherwise, stick with mutual funds.
My Notes: When the market is in upswing, the Direct Stocks beats my Mutual Funds....

No. 2: Risk

  • Mutual funds have risk, but are tempered by their inherent diversification and built-in safeguards (investment policies, government regulation, separate custodian, etc.).
  • Stocks are riskier — you’re on your own (and your emotional mood swings)!
Winner: Mutual funds
My Notes: I definitely agree that is why we call Direct Stocks as Level 3. Higher risk than Mutual Fund but potentially higher returns.

No. 3: Diversification

  • You get instant diversification with mutual funds even for as little as Php5,000 or Php10,000. 
  • That same amount of initial capital buys you just a handful of stocks.
Winner: Mutual funds
My Notes: Certainly true and that is a great advantage if you have limited funds to invest.

No. 4: Control

  • You have no control over the investment decisions of the fund manager. 
  • You have full control over your own investment decisions as a direct stock investor.
Winner: Stocks
My Notes: Two thumbs up. Excitement and Control is what Direct Stocks is all about. But is this what we really want or gain and security out of our investment?

No. 5: Capital

  • Most mutual funds require only Php5,000 to P10,000 to invest and just Php1,000 to add more.
  • There are online stock brokers that let you invest with just Php5,000 but traditional brokers may require more. And you need more money for additional investments.
Winner: Mutual funds
My Notes: Certainly valid point for Mutual Funds.

No. 6: Convenience

  • Mutual funds have distributors — Certified Investment Solicitors (CIS) — you transact with. 
  • There are online stock brokers where you can easily buy and sell shares on your own.
Winner: Stocks
My Notes: I do not totally agree with the comparison. Having solicitors or brokers is inherent to both whether direct stocks or Mutual Funds. I still find Mutual Fund investing more convenient.

No. 7: Time

  • It’s easier to evaluate which mutual funds to invest in — past performance, fees, management, investment objectives and policies — just by reading the prospectus and reports on their websites. There’s minimum time and effort involved.
  • For individual stocks, you have to look at a lot of factors — numerous financial ratios, management, company news, industry analysis, technical charts — by reading annual and quarterly reports, research reports, etc. And you have to do for every stock you want to buy.
Winner: Mutual funds
My Notes: Another double thumbs up for Mutual Funds.

No. 8: Taxes and fees

  • Mutual funds charge a sales load (around 0% to 5% depending on the amount of investment) with VAT, an annual management fee (1% to 2%), and an incentive fee. If you sell your shares within the holding period (usually within 2 years), there’s a redemption fee (0.5% to 1%). But there’s no tax.
  • Stock brokers charge a sales commission (around 0.25% to 1%) with VAT, PSE fee (0.005%), and a 0.01% SCCP* fee. When you sell your shares, you pay the same fees and taxes, plus a 0.5% sales tax.
Winner: Stocks
My Notes: You actually pay more in Stocks if you trade more often as you pay fees to take out or to invest in stocks. In Mutual Fund, the in and out of our stocks is already integrated in the sales load and is done by the Mutual Fund Manager. The management fee is also integrated already in the declared NAVPS.

No. 9: Price

  • You buy and sell mutual fund shares at their net asset value per share (NAVPS), which is their book value. In the other words, you buy and sell at what they’re actually worth.
  • You buy and sell stocks at their market price, which is not the same as their book value. So you buy and sell at their perceived worth, based on what the market believes should be the right price. In other words, you can buy at a discount and sell at a premium.
Winner: Stocks
My Notes: This goes the other way around too. Since you may buy based on perception and lose money in the process.

No. 10: Timing

  • You can time your entry and exit with mutual funds, though prices are updated only once a day. So you can’t really trade mutual funds.
  • Prices for stocks are dynamic, changing per hour or even per minute, if they’re actively traded. Of course, there are stocks that hardly move because there are hardly any buyers and sellers. But generally, you can trade stocks and make money faster.
Winner: Stocks
My Notes: I do not agree with this as advantage as I do not promote trading. We go for investing for the long term.

No. 11: Compounding

  • There’s a greater impact of compounding with mutual funds, since fund managers reinvest dividends  (usually) and proceeds from the sale of stocks to keep the net asset value of the fund growing to make more money and entice more investors.
  • Since there are minimum board lots with individual stocks, you may not be able to immediately reinvest dividends (and most likely you’ll end up spending them). And if you’re not disciplined, when you sell your stocks, you may not reinvest them at all.
Winner: Mutual funds
Ny Notes: I agree.

No. 12: Safety

  • Mutual funds are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and are bound by the Investment Company Act of the Philippines. They have to follow certain rules and regulations that restrict what they can and cannot do. And they are structured in such a way to keep investors safe. Of course, there’s still risk and prices can plummet by 40% or more. But it’s hard to imagine losing 100% of your capital. 
  • Publicly listed companies are also under the SEC and the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), which also sets rules. But individual stocks, especially the not-so-known ones, are more susceptible to speculation and insider trading, making it very possible to wipe off your entire capital if you joined the bandwagon.
Winner: Mutual funds. But if you stick to reputable companies, you can avoid this risk. So which is better — mutual funds or stocks? If you’re a new investor, we suggest you stick with mutual funds until you learn more about investing directly in the stock market. And even if you have more investing experience, it’s a good idea to keep the core of your portfolio in mutual funds with an excellent track record, reputable management, and reasonable fees. Then add individual stocks to boost your overall returns.
My Notes: Bottom-line Mutual Funds have a clear advantage over Direct Stocks Investing. However, it is still the investor who will make that decision and allocation. As for me, we invested in both with Mutual Fund as priority and invested on Stocks that are fundamentally strong companies.

Happy Investing on Both!!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Is Kaiser Really Stable Company?

A few people I encounter in my mission of spreading financial literacy always turn skeptical when I introduce them to Kaiser. They can't believe there is such a company and they are not sure about its stability. So I get asked so frequently specially by people whom I have just met: Is Kaiser a really stable company and will it still be existing 15 years from now?

Do you want to know how I answer them? I tell them who ask this question: Nobody can tell. But as for now I know that Kaiser is stable and is a good investment vehicle too. Why?  (The answers are found on the Kaiser page....

Let me restate it here:

• The Healthcare Industry is a highly regulated industry. Before any company can be licensed it has to fully comply with all the government requirements to make sure it is fully secured and can deliver its benefits to its clients. It is regularly monitored by the regulatory government agencies. (These are the DoH for the Health Care, SEC for the Investment, and the IC for the Insurance).

Our Kaiser health plans are designed by a Licensed Actuary not only to ensure compliance with established government regulations but also to make sure that our products are financially sound and stable. (Actuary is the highest form of Statistic which deals with probabilities. This is the science required to validate the correctness of the projections based on possible results in the probabilities of life)

Kaiser is one of the top most healthcare company in the Healthcare Industry in terms of capitalization and market share. Kaiser is fully compliant with the regulatory requirements. 

Kaiser is registered with SEC and has an authorized capitalization of Php 160M. It has fully complied with all the SEC regulations. It is also approved by Department of Health to operate as an HMO. The Investment and funds are managed by the top leading financial Institutions in the Industry
Kaiser put up a 160M Php capitalization which is more than 3X the 50M Php capitalization requirement of the government regulatory board.

On top of this, Kaiser's cornerstone of success resides in the skill and experience of its corporate management, and its business partners. Kaiser draws great strength from a leadership team which thoroughly understands the company industry and operating environment. It possesses close, long-term relationships with its members and partners throughout the country. With Kaiser's strong financial stability, our clients are highly secured.

Kaiser's Board of Directors is seasoned experts in the Medical field services and the health care Industry. Headed by its President and CEO Dr. Ramon B. Abragan, Jr.. Check the company profile at:

• Kaiser deals with top notch and highly qualified licensed financial managers. We consider them as partners and work very closely with them. The managers themselves are also governed by government regulations. In addition, we deal with some of the country's best universal banks.

However, I end up by saying that indeed nobody can tell what is in store in our future. Like many planes that crashed, and many ships that had sunk, and many companies that fold up, we have to take some risk if we want to arrive at our destination or achieve our financial goals. The risk of not risking is a certainty while taking a risk is half the assurance of success....

God bless us all!

Guest Blog: The Difference Between Poor and Rich Countries

By Dr. Arsenio Martin of Fort Arthur , Texas .

The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country:

This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt , that are more than 2000 years old, but are poor. On the other hand, Canada , Australia & New Zealand , that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries, and are rich.

The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.

Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world's best economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.

Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality! It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world's strongest, safest place.

Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference.

Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.

What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition.

On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:

1. Ethics, as a basic principle.
2. Integrity.
3. Responsibility.
4. Respect to the laws & rules.
5. Respect to the rights of other citizens.
6. Work loving.
7. Strive for savings & investment.
8. Will of super action.
9. Punctuality.
10. and of course....Discipline

In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.


The Philippines is not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us. In fact, we are supposedly rich in natural resources.

We are poor because we lack the correct attitude. We lack the will to comply with and teach these functional principles of rich & developed societies.

How about you? What do you think ?
Your opinion counts.


And here is my take on this... The difference between rich and poor countries also true for all people in our very own country the Philippines. These 10 behavior will really make us rich specially numbers 7,8 and 10....

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Practicum: Power of 5:5 in Training in the Field

This sharing is the third part of a Series of sharing for the Month of March entitled "Graduation Time"!

We have covered the "Preparation of the Trainee" which is actually Mind Set Change, and the second part was our sharing on what are the avenues you can get into in IMG for your Training and what are the Levels of Training you can go through on a continuing basis expounded on this blog: Levels of Training.

In college, I had lecture subjects and laboratory classes. I have much fun and excitement in my "lab class" than in my lecture class. In the laboratory I see the practical applications of the concepts I learn in the lecture classes. In IMG, I felt similarly excited on the "Practicum" side of our business training which is the "Field Activity". And guess what, all the lectures and sharing in IMG Office is fantastic but it is useless unless we apply it in the "field". The Team Meetings and Training and Conventions are the theoretical side. This is not complete. It is like learning how to drive a car or fly a plane in a simulator. You do not gain 100% confidence without really driving your car in the streets. In much similar ways in IMG Business, to have our complete training and graduate from Trainee to Trainer it is a must that we go to the field. 

I cannot over emphasize the need to go out to the field to  be successful in IMG business. The field is where we get the real training and will really make us graduate as Trainee to Trainer. The field is where the business is. The field is where the mission happens. Thus I would like to share in this blog the Field Training: The Practicum - The Power of 5:5! This would be very important to all aspiring MD Builders to Master and apply. 

The starting point of our IMG Business is when we Join-Own. We listened to the sharing of a Trainer about the Concepts of IMG. We understood so we joined and we believed so we Owned our first level investment called Kaiser. It start-up our continuing education (Learning) and our Earning (Business). We get enrolled into our Mission to Change People's Lives starting with our own financial life. In the Practicum of IMG Business this is the starting point: our very own BPM and J-O (Join-Own). 

The next step in our practicum is to go out in the field as we are told to Share to our family and friends. That sets our Field Training to motion. A Trainer comes with us to talk to our Prospects and Invites. We get trained how to present, and we got to perfect how we prospect and invite. The inputs we get on this level is on our Team Meetings and Higher Series Training including our Up-Start. On our first 5 Field Training, the goal is for us to move to being a Trainee in the Field to a Trainer in the Field. The Trainees role here is simply listen and learn from the Trainer. At this stage we get promoted to Associate and when 3 business partners Join and Own in our team then we get also promoted to Field Leader. This is actually the most critical step in our journey to our becoming a Trainer. This is where most people get stuck and die in the mission and business. 

Now, let us go back to our very own BPM. Remember there was a Trainer who brought his Trainee with him and shared to you the concepts? In the home BPM this is really apparent or obvious as the one who invited you comes along with his Trainer. In the office BPM, the Trainer does a "class" type of  presentation with a Trainee listening in. We need to go through both types of Training to learn how to duplicate the Trainer. That is the intent of the field training.

In our System Builder Book p.120 it talks about what should be the focus or aim of the Trainee in the first 30 days of her business. That is to get the 3:3:30 completed. The new recruit or trainee must fast start the business with a a trainer to drop by stop by, make contact, and observe 10 or more presentations to recruit 3 people. She also sees the trainer do 10 more presentation to make 3PFS/Sales. The purpose is to give a new trainee enough training an experience so that she can learn and duplicate. It also shows the good things we do for people and gives the trainee great confidence and pride and simplicity of the system. In addition, the Trainer also gains lot more experience making him more and more competent trainer. Double action results... if you know what I mean.

We have to adhere to this field training and complete the 3:3:30 we can move up to become a Trainer. Once a Trainer our role change. We now go and duplicate what we learned from our trainer. This is where the magic of 5:5:30 comes in. The Trainer must continue to focus on this 5:5:30 by continuing to have personal recruit, as well as moving her new recruit to achieve their 3:3:30. It is simply duplicating the process she went through. By doing the 5:5:30 she demonstrate and lead by example. If you are able to do the 5:5:30 and your team or new recruits are moved to this level of 5:5:30, then in no less than 2 months you become and MD. And if the process or system is duplicated in another 2 months you have 5 MDs! That is the power of 5:5 which can only be achieved by going through this. Do you get the picture? Did you see the magic of 5:5:30? If not, I will illustrate to you if you got a chance to meet up with me.  Let's have a live demonstration of the Power of 5:5!

Now this is the real earthshaking fact: " You don't need to be talented to it. Building a big base is no longer a secret. First, try to get 3 people to be at the BPM twice a week. This is the beginning. Next, increase to 5 people. Now you have a small team, and you become a trainer. Move on to 10 people and become an MD. The day you have 30, you start a MD factory." p. 121 System Builder.

We simply follow the Simple, Fast, Clear Doable Business following the System. Going for 3:3:30 and proceeding with 5:5:30  and as you go through your 3:3:30 absorbing as much from your trainer all you can and transferring this by duplication process to your new recruits to move you up to MD and finally to a MD Factory. Moving from MD and MD Factory uses the same System. NO additional competency needed to move you up the MD Factory. It is simply focusing on 30:30:30 for the entire base-shop. 

And this is real. We have experienced the growth and graduated from being a Trainee to Trainer and eventually Master MD Builders with 43 MDs across the universe...ooops that is an overstatement.... 

We did it the hard way as we did not understood yet the 3:3:30 System and did not do the proper duplication in the beginning of our IMG career. I am hoping and praying that for you our new TRM Master MD Builders in the making, you will align to this Preparation, go through the Levels of Training and finally Graduate to become a BIG BUILDER!

Congratulations! You are a Champion!

PS: Next month it is April, our sharing will focus on our Mission- Passion and Perfection!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why is Direct Stocks Level 3 Investing

People often ask me why I put Levels instead of investment options. Well, for me it is easier to understand if we label each investment options as Levels. For the past two weeks we have covered why Kaiser is Level 1 and Why Mutual Fund is Level 2.

I hope you read them both before you go through this one where I share why I consider investing in Stocks directly as Level 3 type of investing. 

You see, putting levels help us realize that we have to go through the levels properly so we build a Solid Financial Foundation and our Success Rate in investing is assured.I am not saying only invest in Level 1 only, the leveling simply tells us what to prioritize.

So are you ready to know why Investing in Stocks is Level 3? And what is my favorite (as recommended by Bro Bo) Direct and On-Line Broker for Stocks? What should we know about this 3rd Level Investing before we plunge into it?

Let me shock you first with this: 85% of people who goes into Stocks not knowing why and how to do it and without guidance lose their money! Or, they do not succeed in their investing. Why? Not only because Direct Stocks Investing is high risk (based on Risk Rate of Return Trade off I explained in previous blog)  but also because Direct Stocks Investing entails a lot of discipline. To better understand this, let me share with you what Direct Stocks Investing is. Direct means you are the one who select what companies to invest in and "directly" makes that decision including when, how much shares you will buy and what broker you will get in. So the responsibility lies on you and along with this responsibility is the need to be literate in the field of stocks investing. By literacy, it means that you need to find time to study what companies has the potential growth on a long term basis, and you have to have time and capability to check and monitor the movement of your stocks.

So the combination of Discipline and Literacy makes Direct Stocks investing Level 3 type of investing compared to Kaiser Level 1 and Mutual Fund Level 2. Because of this, I really like to recommend the COLFinancials or what was previously known as CitisecOnLine  as my favorite Direct Stocks Broker. Not just because it is convenient but also because, it really provides guidance on what we are getting into. But still, you need to have a coach to do it properly. Being a member of the TrulyRichClub of Bo Bo Sanchez will enable you (like us) to be guided on what stocks to buy and when to buy.

What else do we need to know about Direct Stocks Investing?  Of the three Levels I personally recommend we plunge into, it is in Level 3 where you get the most excitement. When I attended the Wealth Circle Meeting, Rex Mendoza now the President CEO of PhilAm Life compared investing in direct stocks and investing in mutual funds. It went like this: investing in direct stocks and investing in mutual funds are both investing in stocks equities. So it is both like eating your favorite cake. Investing in Mutual Funds is like buying your cake from an expert baker, while buying your Direct Stocks can be compared to buying the ingredients, and preparing the cake yourself. This is definitely more exciting and you can have maximized involvement in your decision making but is definitely risky if you do not have the might end up having a cake that flops... a stock you buy that you may flop too!

In Stock Investing, my favorites are (as I learned from a great mentor on stocks investment: Edward Lee) companies of Henry Sy, The Ayala's, and of Gokongwei. Personal Favorites are AC, BPI- Ayala, SMPH, BDO- (Sy), and JGS, RLC- Gokongwei.

In direct Stocks investing, you have many companies to opt to buy and many brokers to deal with. There are also many segments of industry to choose from. When you buy a stock from the company you become a part owner of that company, but your shares are insignificant, you are just a tiny drop versus what the "Big Boys" put in.. Unlike in Mutual Funds, your money gets pooled together and is invested together and you come into a company together with the "Big Boys".

In Direct Stocks Investing, your 1000Php can buy one company's stock shares, while same amount in Mutual Fund will buy 9 different company shares. Most direct stocks brokers would have their minimum investments peg at 5000 per buy.

So when you invest in Direct Stocks, there will be as many companies you will have to check to know whether your investments are earning or not.

Let me end this up with a Story to better appreciate the difference in the 3 levels of Investing: there were three friends who went to IMG . They were Juana who invested on Level 1 Kaiser, Juan who invested in Level 2- Mutual Funds, and Pedro who invested in Level 3- Direct Stocks. Pedro is really a rock (matigas ang ulo). All of them after hearing my talk about proper investing executed what they learn. All of them invested 2289Php but they did it in different levels. When they went out of IMG office they met an accident. The jeepney they rode met an accident and they all died. As you know the market had been down for 5 consecutive days. Guess who had the most gains in their investment? Is the 2289 of Juan and Pedro still 2289? Definitely lower and it is subject to Estate Tax. In the case of Juana, her 2289 is not just 2289 , not just doubled, not just 10X, but her family gets automatically 70K for the insurance portion and the whole 5 years of investing is considered paid.

So there you are. I hope this gives you the glimpse of why I call Direct Stocks Level 3. It is an exciting vehicle to ride and can really yield high earnings for the long term. We just have to make sure we study very well and get coached on how and when to get in or out. Better still, make sure you get into the first two levels first before you put your hands into this level.

Happy investing!

God bless!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

IMG Contact All Over The World


Roel Relleve

Rania Agullana
Contact Number: +97156623927

MD April "AVA"  Ababan - Mobile +97155 1090324

 The IMG office is located in:
   Flat 101, Shaya Al Meeza Building (with Better Homes signage)
   42nd street in Deira, Dubai UAE
   At the back Metropolitan Palace Hotel,
   Besides Al Khalidya Apartment Hotel,
   Infront of Al Sharhan Building.
   Walking distance from Al Dana Center and Madina Supermarket and Pick&Save Grocery
 (near clocktower)

Other Contacts in Dubai Pat -    0553764111
patricia angela bagtas"

Ms. Minda Evangelista
Email address:

NMD Doc Casimiro Dulay
Contact #:3278778165

Elena Biale Cell no.+85366276235
 or Irene,also MD+853-66211254
or 6276758 

Address:  Jalan Bunga Melati, Johor Bahru
Contact Person: Melvin +60 107037503

Address:  Jalan BK 3/1, Bandar Kinrara 3, Mayang Apartment, 47100 Selangor, Malaysia
Contact Person: Maria Grace N. Restauro,  +60166981762

TRM Trainers:
 Contact Number: +97470415843

Maricar "MICAH" Bonifacio - mobile # +966503241217
Address: King Abdulaziz Medical City, National Guard Health Affairs, PO Box 22490 Riyadh, 11426

IMG Office: 4F Lucky Plaza  #04-53 
Orchard Rd. Singapore
Raymund Caguioa +65 9092 5980
Richele de Mesa +65 98285850
Rex Holgado +65 97562229

Choa Chu Kang/Yew Tee
Contact Person: Beth 9824 5410

Pasir Ris & Serangoon
Contact Persons:
Rev 9391 8314 for Pasir Ris
Lyn 9811 4776 for Serangoon

Lolit Yman of IMG Barcelona.
Calle Pelayo 9 2-2F.
CP 676663552 and office land line 931822859 from 5pm onwards.

MD Rachel Jane Dolido
Contact Number: +66 8535 70579
Smart Roaming: 0921 4434403

Contact Persons:
Neil Weigel - 408 7109357 (LA/San Jose)
Alicia Nguyen - 408 6556178 (San Jose) 
Sarah Ruzol 973 4642041 (New Jersey)


FC Schedule: Every Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 AM
Venue: At the Gazebo Sta. Cecilia II Park Area Mission Hills, Antipolo City
Contact Person: Vhel Caraig 0917 573 0110

FC Schedule: Every Wed and Friday 1PM
2F Khaleds Restaurant, beside Paradise Hotel, along Mac Arthur Hway, Malolos City.
Contact Persons: MD Monica Adriano cel# +639209547429 
 MD Bing Tubid cel# +639172780568

IMG Office: Door 2 Malayan Bldg, Nacalaban cor A Velez Sts

MD: April Dabalos
Address: Dabalos Law Office, Door 5, New Gloria Bldg, Montilla Blvd
Contact #: 0939 2013329

FC Schedule: Every Saturday @4pm
Venue: St. Michael School of Cavite - Phase 1, Citihomes Subd, Molino IV, Bacoor, Cavite
Contact Person: Flor Claveria - 0919-536-3052

FC Schedule: Every Sunday @ 2 pm 
Venue: Wellkish Laundry Shop, Cuevasville Bldg. 3 Unit 5, Daanghari Road, Molino 3, Bacoor, Cavite
Contact person/Speaker: MD Geraldine Reodica 0927-226-9220

IMG Office: 16-A Salinas Drive, Lahug
2nd Level, JY Mall, Salinas, Lahug
Jess Faller 032 3163029/ 09228767786 

IMG Office: 5th Floor, Landco Building, JP Laurel, Bajada
Contact: Loiezar Seballos 0915 328 7019
              Alexis Bamboa 0923 2440252

Contact: Ces Loyola 0917 5508634
Regular Venue for FC (Saturdays): Catholic Charismatic Center, Dumaguete Cathedral

FC Schedule: Every Friday 2PM and 6PM
Address: Villa Grandiosa Resort, Park Merced Village, National hi-way Los Banos (across Hills Spa and 500 meters away from Los Banos arc)
Contact person: MD Fe Tolentino - 0922-864-7734
                         Pepito Tolentino - 0922 8237085

IMG 3F Kings Court Bldg 1, 2129 Chino Roces cor Dela Rosa near Isuzu Gencars Makati
Contact Persons: Malvin Leano 0919-395-1028 / 0922-762-8257
                           Malvin Leano 0939-906-7376
Email: /

International Marketing Group (IMG) Insurance Brokerage Corporation with Registration number A200203947..
Insurance Commission (Life/Non-life) License#: 1B-15-2010-R valid until 6/30/11

Contact person: MD Randy Molina - 0918-500-1239/0917-735-2611

Venue :   JRBA Training Center 1283 Bambang St. Tondo, Manila
Contact :   MD Quey Arellano 0922-8554968; 0921-4823376 ; 09159450495

MD: Mary Joy Hilario
Contact Number: 0917 589 9637

FL: Aida Soriano
Sun: 0922 8845705

FL: Marilyn Hora
Contact#: 0917-839-4169 / 0939-910-1608