Saturday, March 30, 2013

Truly Rich Makers eNewsLetter April 2013

Mission And Passion To Perfection...

Bro. Bo Sanchez with Geena and Winnie at PICC FEAST

I. Perfection Time!

Good Friday marks the Perfection of the Love of God! I saw the partners Winnie and Geena with their respective spouses in the Good Friday Retreat by Brother Bo. Geena (Snowhite as we fondly call her) and Winnie were in their TRM uniforms! I call that not just dedication but a journey to perfection! Would you dare disagree? Ask me why I call that journey to  perfection? "Wala lang"...

I call that journey to perfection for Winnie and Geena are examples of TRM Missionaries who are doing what they are doing all because of the love and concern for other people and they put their passion into what they are doing going out of their way even on a Good Friday! 

Guess what? This month of April for TRM, we will have as a series of Training that is focused on "Mission And Passion To Perfection". This is inspired by the sharing of Gerlie Calisin, Alma Tolentino and Dra Lynette Pagatpatan in one of our 9AM Club Meeting. I will share our very own experience and the experiences of our fellow TRM Missionaries across the "universe" (I'm over proclaiming for this is truly what I desire) in their mission and how they got sting by the IMG Mission. We will also share who inspire us to have the Passion that finally we are in the process of achieving Perfection! I am sure, you will be blessed by these sharing. So you cannot afford miss our Thursday TRM Team Business Meeting where these will be revealed...

April also will Top Bill in our Sharing our NEW TRM CEO- Malvin and Matin Leano (pending formal approval). They completed their magnificent and exciting CEO run last March 27, 2013 just before the IMG office closes down for the Holy Week vacation. 

I want you all to succeed! You are all Champions... You will be coached and learn how to make it Big in IMG. Be in the meeting. Be there! Be blessed! 

I truly believe that once we clearly understand what our IMG Mission is , and we direct our Passion towards said mission, then we are on our way to Perfection!

God bless us all!!!

II. What's New With TRM

We will continue with more Higher Series Training this month of April! The month of March gave us a great learning on why we call our first three levels of investing as Level 1 Level 2, and Level 3. This month of April, we will tackle why Kaiser is a great Investment Vehicle...Starting with Why it is a Financially Stable company. 

We will finalize design of  our EVC shirt  for all TRM Members. The EVC Shirt will be our way of rewarding our TRM Team Members who get to qualify for a 3:3:7. This is on top of the 10K Reward by IMG on the 5:5 Qualifiers till March 18. We will release the initial names of the 3:3:7 Qualifiers for the T-Shirt. Attention all MDs: Submit your 3:3:7 Qualifiers on or before April 30, 2013.

We claim the promotion of our very first CEO in the TRM Team: Malvin and Matin Leano! They achieved what they committed to achieve.This is what is new with TRM this month of April!

We are also so excited about our June 22-23 MOA-SMX Convention this year! Last day for the discounted registration is on April 15, 2013. After that the fee will increase from 2500Php to 4000Php. Do not beat the deadline, register now while it is still 2500Php and enjoy the Learning and Fun Time on the first Day which will feature a Dinner Gala Night with a Show. We need all MDs to make sure they submit their list of attendees on or before April 30 too for the T-Shirt and the food preparations.

III. GUESTS Testimonies- By Geena and Manny Laserna

Why am I doing the IMG Mission? 

My 1 year & 10 months in IMG = 4 promotions, 4 certificates, 5 pins, 3 awards, 2 trophies, 4 medals, 3 times 5-5 qualifier, IMG watch, 4 BIG events, 3 of which are out of the country, 5-digits monthly passive income and an MD plaque.

Are these the reasons why am I doing the IMG mission??...Well, not really. The real reason is because of SNOW WHITE..

S – upportive Spouse 

I am so blessed, because the Lord gave me a very loving and supportive husband. Manny have always been my strongest leg and perfect business partner in spreading the IMG mission.
N – oble job to teach Financial Literary

Teaching was one job that I never dreamed of. But the Lord led me to this path, because he has other purpose for me.

“You can make plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” - Proverbs 19:21

O – pportunity

Opportunity to share IMG's powerful concepts

Opportunity to change people's lives, for them to experience what I've experienced.

Opportunity to help others achieve their dreams and be financially free.

W – ay to my Destiny

W – onderful relationship

I experienced my mid-life breakthrough when I joined IMG and regularly attends The Feast at PICC (where I draw my spiritual strength), I have met lots of wonderful people and business partners who became dear friends, all the way to Cagayan de Oro City.

H – ope & Humility

I hope and believe that God has bigger plans for me in doing this mission and humility to learn from successful people, like Sir Benj & Tita Fely, Malvin and Nancy who have had their winning moments in IMG and in life.

I – nvestor & Real Saver

From being a Super Spender to a Real Saver & Investor.

May I be an inspiration to all those shopaholics out there, to realize the value of long-term investments vs. a signature bags or shoes.

T – ruly Rich Team

I am blessed to be part of IMG and I am just so happy and proud to belong to the fantastic Truly Rich Team, where I found great mentors and role models, in marriage, spiritual & financial life and social responsibility.

E – qual Opportunity

Everyone has equal share and opportunity, regardless of who you are, your status or degree, your connections, etc.. . Everyone in IMG is given the chance to succeed and achieved their dreams.

“When you know the why, the how will follow. When you have the will, you will find a way.”

IV. Feedback

This section is for your questions and suggestions. I want you to eMail me at and I would surely respond and post it here.... if it merits posting (of course it is... Right?)

Be the first to put your comments on your field experience or questions that arise from your base-shop meetings.

Keep them coming... Be part of our eNewsLetter by contributing your questions, sharing and stories....

V. What are The Exciting Events Coming!

Bro Bo had conducted a Wealth Summit and no less than our TRM Head Coach Fely and Benj Santiago (Super Heroes  of Abundance- Debt Destroyers) were panelists in the no holds barred sharing on why we do what we do in IMG. Many of those who have problems with their debts came to them for advice and consultation. And many more will be blessed as they go around Asia to promote Financial Literacy to our fellow Filipinos abroad. Find their schedule on this link: Asian Mission

June 22-23 is fast approaching and once again we shall have our 2-day Convention in MOA-SMX! Make sure you attend this Convention here in the Philippines and you will surely be blessed by the main speakers. According my "tsismologist" Bro Bo and Rex Mendoza will be in the convention. I am sure we will be blessed by their mere presence. What's more exciting is that they will surely deliver their updates and messages to all IMG Convention Attendees! Be there. Make sure you register on or before April 15!

Once again, In July there is a Executive Trip to Halong Bay in Vietnam. If you qualify as SMD then you not only get promoted to SMD in our June Convention but you also qualify for this free trip in Vietnam all expense paid. If you are SMD and Up then all you need is to get through your MD (Directs) 60:60:90 and you qualify for this Vietnam Trip! If you want your spouse to be with you, do the 120:120:90 days run....

PS: To learn more how to be a Truly Rich Maker, check out our TRM eSalesLetter at...
PS1: To learn more about investing in Direct Stocks through CitisecOnLine check this page:
PS2: To get updated on our every Thursday Business Meeting... Log into
PS3: I would be happy to see that this is circulated in your emails, FB page, and other media sites for circulation to your family and friends.

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